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Cook’s Distance for Detecting Influential Observations

Cook’s distance is a measure computed to measure the influence exerted by each observation on the trained model. It is measured by building a regression model and therefore is impacted only by the X variables included in the model.

What is Cooks Distance?

Cook’s distance measures the influence exerted by each data point (row / observation) on the predicted outcome.

The cook’s distance for each observation ‘i’ measures the change in Ŷ (fitted Y) for all observations with and without the presence of observation ‘i’, so we know how much the observation ‘i’ impacted the fitted values.

So you build a model with and without the observation ‘i’ in the dataset and see how much the predicted values of all other observations change.

Mathematically, cook’s distance Di for observation i is computed as:


  • Ŷ j is the value of jth fitted response when all the observations are included.
  • Ŷ j(i) is the value of jth fitted response, where the fit does not include observation i.
  • MSE is the mean squared error.
  • p is the number of coefficients in the regression model.

Pros and Cons


  1. Considers all variables in the model when calling out influential points.
  2. Formula based, intuitive to understand.


  1. To compute Cook’s distance of each row, it requires the model to be retrained. So, computationally expensive to apply this method to other algorithms besides linear regression.

Let’s Compute Cook’s distance in Python.

It can be directly computed using the Statsmodels package. But first, let’s build the regression model.

Step 1: Prepare Data

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
filename = ""

headers = ["symboling","normalized-losses","make","fuel-type","aspiration", "num-of-doors","body-style",
"drive-wheels","engine-location","wheel-base", "length","width","height","curb-weight","engine-type",
"num-of-cylinders", "engine-size","fuel-system","bore","stroke","compression-ratio","horsepower",

df = pd.read_csv(filename, names = headers)
symboling normalized-losses make fuel-type aspiration num-of-doors body-style drive-wheels engine-location wheel-base engine-size fuel-system bore stroke compression-ratio horsepower peak-rpm city-mpg highway-mpg price
0 3 ? alfa-romero gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 130 mpfi 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 13495
1 3 ? alfa-romero gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 130 mpfi 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 16500
2 1 ? alfa-romero gas std two hatchback rwd front 94.5 152 mpfi 2.68 3.47 9.0 154 5000 19 26 16500
3 2 164 audi gas std four sedan fwd front 99.8 109 mpfi 3.19 3.40 10.0 102 5500 24 30 13950
4 2 164 audi gas std four sedan 4wd front 99.4 136 mpfi 3.19 3.40 8.0 115 5500 18 22 17450

5 rows × 26 columns

Data cleaning

df = df.loc[:, ['symboling', 'wheel-base', 'engine-size', 'bore', 'stroke',
'compression-ratio', 'horsepower', 'peak-rpm', 'city-mpg',
'highway-mpg', 'price']]
df = df.replace('?', np.nan)
df = df.dropna()
df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
symboling wheel-base engine-size bore stroke compression-ratio horsepower peak-rpm city-mpg highway-mpg price
0 3 88.6 130 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 13495
1 3 88.6 130 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 16500
2 1 94.5 152 2.68 3.47 9.0 154 5000 19 26 16500
3 2 99.8 109 3.19 3.40 10.0 102 5500 24 30 13950
4 2 99.4 136 3.19 3.40 8.0 115 5500 18 22 17450

Step 2 : Train linear regression model

import statsmodels.api as sm

#define response variable
y = df['price']

#define explanatory variable
x = df[['symboling', 'wheel-base', 'engine-size', 'bore', 'stroke',
'compression-ratio', 'horsepower', 'peak-rpm', 'city-mpg',

Build the linear regression model.

#add constant to predictor variables
x = sm.add_constant(x)

#fit linear regression model
model = sm.OLS(y.astype(float), x.astype(float)).fit()

Step 3 : Calculate Cook’s distance

#suppress scientific notation
import numpy as np

#create instance of influence
influence = model.get_influence()

Get the influence (Cook’s distance) scores

#obtain Cook's distance for each observation
cooks = influence.cooks_distance

#display Cook's distances

(array([0.00005047, 0.00794651, 0.00235295, 0.00115412, 0.00229406,
0.00001475, 0.00040342, 0.00195747, 0.03696988, 0.00405958,
0.00509101, 0.00570949, 0.00620111, 0.01803001, 0.00335913,
0.07252824, 0.02556543, 0.04585015, 0.00000023, 0.00011847,
0.00000804, 0.00001075, 0.00001616, 0.00002787, 0.00000096,
0.00017893, 0.00003149, 0.00153593, 0.00321647, 0.05605546,
0.00023964, 0.0002776 , 0.00017649, 0.00000042, 0.00005717,
0.00005307, 0.00111793, 0.00011928, 0.00024373, 0.00013439,
0.00343908, 0.00001979, 0.00038317, 0.00006676, 0.00001466,
0.01387144, 0.67290488, 0.00029421, 0.00003223, 0.00022211,
0.00018456, 0.00050611, 0.00026183, 0.00039154, 0.000035 ,
0.0000165 , 0.00224472, 0.00031293, 0.00134812, 0.01269743,
0.00220525, 0.01360418, 0.01752224, 0.03048843, 0.00608054,
0.0820174 , 0.00601548, 0.06747548, 0.00295536, 0.00032691,
0.00016934, 0.00003394, 0.00003416, 0.00056306, 0.00151128,
0.00449227, 0.00008387, 0.00036013, 0.0020883 , 0.00080219,
0.00052908, 0.00073918, 0.00012555, 0.0017916 , 0.00000065,
0.00000839, 0.00006592, 0.00005771, 0.00016434, 0.00009382,
0.00022227, 0.00031158, 0.00052463, 0.00020926, 0.02253932,
0.01824963, 0.02049076, 0.007906 , 0.00873687, 0.00393047,
0.00092289, 0.01260195, 0.0056554 , 0.02883812, 0.00116899,
0.00057631, 0.00373692, 0.00311193, 0.00334457, 0.00000108,
0.00000342, 0.00000767, 0.00001616, 0.00002787, 0.00000096,
0.00000048, 0.00152386, 0.00403854, 0.01077807, 0.03652447,
0.06101313, 0.1287357 , 0.00197229, 0.00068141, 0.04555418,
0.00074255, 0.00214108, 0.00346266, 0.00702787, 0.00057118,
0.00005023, 0.00305842, 0.00066841, 0.00057935, 0.00003855,
0.00019247, 0.00160212, 0.00039846, 0.00206929, 0.00586846,
0.00000056, 0.00001257, 0.00003468, 0.00032255, 0.00158363,
0.00318834, 0.00000002, 0.00001426, 0.00186318, 0.00721941,
0.00078872, 0.00046616, 0.00120741, 0.00042025, 0.00052502,
0.0057842 , 0.00466251, 0.00925114, 0.00592447, 0.00508653,
0.00268166, 0.00212835, 0.00277433, 0.00000584, 0.0008918 ,
0.00041052, 0.00181117, 0.00261463, 0.02421767, 0.02716114,
0.01624373, 0.01152021, 0.00650464, 0.00052591, 0.00533062,
0.00039766, 0.00025162, 0.00000374, 0.00016362, 0.00156563,
0.00007099, 0.00105815, 0.01155108, 0.00050471, 0.00767723,
0.00446398, 0.00002331, 0.00001264, 0.00493016, 0.00522982,
0.00044824, 0.00037132, 0.00378943, 0.0084261 , 0.01092127]), array([1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 0.99999948, 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 0.99999999, 1. ,
0.99998228, 0.99999993, 0.99999838, 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 0.99999534,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 0.76302816, 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 0.99999999, 0.99999981, 1. ,
0.99996672, 1. , 0.99998779, 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 0.99999996,
0.99999999, 0.99999998, 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 0.99999986, 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 0.99999951,
0.99999276, 0.99968315, 1. , 1. , 0.99999843,
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1. , 1. , 1. , 0.99999995, 0.9999999 ,
0.99999999, 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
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1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ]))

Step 4: Visualize the cook’s distance and find influencial points

The rows which have cook’s distance greater than 4x of mean cook’s distance are known as influencial points

# Draw plot
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
plt.scatter(df.index, cooks[0])
plt.plot(df.index, cooks[0], color='black')
plt.xlabel('Row Number', fontsize = 12)
plt.ylabel('Cooks Distance', fontsize = 12)
plt.title('Influencial Points', fontsize = 22)

Mean Cook’s distance

mean_cooks = np.mean(cooks[0])


mean_cooks_list = [4*mean_cooks for i in df.index]
# mean_cooks_list

Visualize the Influence scores

# Draw plot
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
plt.scatter(df.index, cooks[0])
plt.plot(df.index, mean_cooks_list, color="red")
plt.xlabel('Row Number', fontsize = 12)
plt.ylabel('Cooks Distance', fontsize = 12)
plt.title('Influencial Points', fontsize = 22)

# Influencial points
influencial_points = df.index[cooks[0] > 4*mean_cooks]

Int64Index([15, 17, 29, 46, 65, 67, 120, 121, 124], dtype=’int64′)

df.iloc[influencial_points, :]
symboling wheel-base engine-size bore stroke compression-ratio horsepower peak-rpm city-mpg highway-mpg price
15 0 103.5 209 3.62 3.39 8.0 182 5400 16 22 41315
17 2 88.4 61 2.91 3.03 9.5 48 5100 47 53 5151
29 2 86.6 92 2.91 3.41 9.6 58 4800 49 54 6479
46 0 102.0 326 3.54 2.76 11.5 262 5000 13 17 36000
65 3 96.6 234 3.46 3.10 8.3 155 4750 16 18 35056
67 1 112.0 304 3.80 3.35 8.0 184 4500 14 16 45400
120 3 89.5 194 3.74 2.90 9.5 207 5900 17 25 34028
121 3 89.5 194 3.74 2.90 9.5 207 5900 17 25 37028
124 3 99.1 121 2.54 2.07 9.3 110 5250 21 28 15040

Let’s look at non influential points as well

When you compare, some features of the influential data points are towards an extreme.

# Non Influencial points
noninfluencial_points = df.index[cooks[0] < 4*mean_cooks]
df.iloc[noninfluencial_points, :].head()
symboling wheel-base engine-size bore stroke compression-ratio horsepower peak-rpm city-mpg highway-mpg price
0 3 88.6 130 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 13495
1 3 88.6 130 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 16500
2 1 94.5 152 2.68 3.47 9.0 154 5000 19 26 16500
3 2 99.8 109 3.19 3.40 10.0 102 5500 24 30 13950
4 2 99.4 136 3.19 3.40 8.0 115 5500 18 22 17450

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Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

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Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science