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PySpark Union – A Detailed Guide Harnessing the Power of PySpark Union

PySpark Union operation is a powerful way to combine multiple DataFrames, allowing you to merge data from different sources and perform complex data transformations with ease.

What is PySpark Union?

PySpark Union is an operation that allows you to combine two or more DataFrames with the same schema, creating a single DataFrame containing all rows from the input DataFrames.

It’s important to note that the Union operation doesn’t eliminate duplicate rows, so you may need to use the distinct() function afterward if you want to remove duplicates.

Importing necessary libraries and creating a sample DataFrames

import findspark

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType

# Create a Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("PySpark Union Example").getOrCreate()

# Define the schema
schema = StructType([
    StructField("product", StringType(), True),
    StructField("price", IntegerType(), True),
    StructField("quantity", IntegerType(), True)

# Create DataFrame for region A
data_A = [("apple", 3, 5), ("banana", 1, 10), ("orange", 2, 8)]
df_A = spark.createDataFrame(data_A, schema=schema)

# Create DataFrame for region B
data_B = [("apple", 3, 5), ("banana", 1, 15), ("grape", 4, 6)]
df_B = spark.createDataFrame(data_B, schema=schema)

# Create DataFrame for region C
data_C = [("apple", 3, 10), ("banana", 1, 20), ("grape", 4, 10), ("orange", 2, 7)]
df_C = spark.createDataFrame(data_C, schema=schema)

1. Union Two DataFrames

Let’s dive into some example code to see how PySpark Union can be used in practice. We will use two DataFrames with the same schema, representing sales data from two different regions.

# Perform the Union operation on two DataFrames
df_union = df_A.union(df_B)

# Show the results
|  apple|    3|       5|
| banana|    1|      10|
| orange|    2|       8|
|  apple|    3|       5|
| banana|    1|      15|
|  grape|    4|       6|

2. Union without Duplicates

It’s important to note that the Union operation doesn’t eliminate duplicate rows, so you may need to use the distinct() function afterward if you want to remove duplicates.

# Perform the Union operation on two DataFrames
df_union_dist = df_A.union(df_B).distinct()

# Show the results
|  apple|    3|       5|
| banana|    1|      10|
| orange|    2|       8|
| banana|    1|      15|
|  grape|    4|       6|

3. Union Multiple DataFrames

In the previous example, we demonstrated how to perform a union operation on two DataFrames. Now, let’s take it a step further and see how we can use PySpark Union to merge multiple DataFrames.

# Perform the Union operation on multiple DataFrames
df_union_all = df_A.union(df_B).union(df_C)

# Show the results
|  apple|    3|       5|
| banana|    1|      10|
| orange|    2|       8|
|  apple|    3|       5|
| banana|    1|      15|
|  grape|    4|       6|
|  apple|    3|      10|
| banana|    1|      20|
|  grape|    4|      10|
| orange|    2|       7|


The PySpark Union operation is a powerful and versatile tool for combining DataFrames with the same schema. It enables you to merge data from different sources, concatenate DataFrames, and perform

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