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Python @Property Explained – How to Use and When? (Full Examples)

A python @property decorator lets a method to be accessed as an attribute instead of as a method with a '()'. Today, you will gain an understanding of when it is really needed, in what situations you can use it and how to actually use it.


1. Introduction
2. What does @property do?
3. When to use @property?
4. The setter method – When and How to write one?
5. The deleter method – When and How to write one?
6. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In well-written python code, you might have noticed a @property decorator just before the method definition.

In this guide, you will understand clearly what exactly the python @property does, when to use it and how to use it. This guide, however, assumes that you have a basic idea about what python classes are. Because the @property is typically used inside one.

2. What does @property do?

So, what does the @property do?

The @property lets a method to be accessed as an attribute instead of as a method with a '()'. But why is it really needed and in what situations can you use it?

To understand this, let’s create a Person class that contains the first, last and fullname of the person as attributes and has an email() method that provides the person’s email.

class Person():

    def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
        self.first = firstname
        self.last = lastname
        self.fullname = self.first + ' '+ self.last

    def email(self):
        return '{}.{}'.format(self.first, self.last)

Let’s create an instance of the Person ‘selva prabhakaran’ and print the attributes.

# Create a Person object
person = Person('selva', 'prabhakaran')
print(person.first)  #> selva
print(person.last)  #> prabhakaran
print(person.fullname)  #> selva prabhakaran
print(  #> [email protected]

3. When to use @property?

So far so good.

Now, somehow you decide to change the last name of the person.

Here is a fun fact about python classes: If you change the value of an attribute inside a class, the other attributes that are derived from the attribute you just changed don’t automatically update.

For example: By changing the self.last name you might expect the self.full attribute, which is derived from self.last to update. But unexpectedly it doesn’t. This can provide potentially misleading information about the person.

However, notice the email() works as intended, eventhough it is derived from self.last.

# Changing the `last` name does not change `self.full` name, but email() works
person.last = 'prasanna'
print(person.last)  #> prasanna
print(person.fullname)  #> selva prabhakaran
print(  #> [email protected]

So, a probable solution would be to convert the self.fullname attribute to a fullname() method, so it will provide correct value like the email() method did. Let’s do it.

# Converting fullname to a method provides the right fullname
# But it breaks old code that used the fullname attribute without the `()`
class Person():

    def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
        self.first = firstname
        self.last = lastname

    def fullname(self):
        return self.first + ' '+ self.last

    def email(self):
        return '{}.{}'.format(self.first, self.last)

person = Person('selva', 'prabhakaran')
print(person.fullname())  #> selva prabhakaran

# change last name to Prasanna
person.last = 'prasanna'

print(person.fullname())  #> selva prasanna

Now the convert to method solution works.

But there is a problem.

Since we are using person.fullname() method with a '()' instead of person.fullname as attribute, it will break whatever code that used the self.fullname attribute. If you are building a product/tool, the chances are, other developers and users of your module used it at some point and all their code will break as well.

So a better solution (without breaking your user’s code) is to convert the method as a property by adding a @property decorator before the method’s definition. By doing this, the fullname() method can be accessed as an attribute instead of as a method with '()'. See example below.

# Adding @property provides the right fullname and does not break code!
class Person():

    def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
        self.first = firstname
        self.last = lastname

    def fullname(self):
        return self.first + ' '+ self.last

    def email(self):
        return '{}.{}'.format(self.first, self.last)

# Init a Person 
person = Person('selva', 'prabhakaran')
print(person.fullname)  #> selva prabhakaran

# Change last name to Prasanna
person.last = 'prasanna'

# Print fullname
print(person.fullname)  # selva prasanna

4. The setter method – When to use it and How to write one?

Now you are able to access the fullname like an attribute.

However there is one final problem.

Your users are going to want to change the fullname property at some point. And by setting it, they expect it will change the values of the first and last names from which fullname was derived in the first place.

But unfortunately, trying to set the value of fullname throws an AttributeError.

person.fullname = 'raja rajan'

#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
#> <ipython-input-36-67cde7461cfc> in <module>
#> ----> 1 person.fullname = 'raja rajan'

#> AttributeError: can't set attribute

How to tackle this?

We define an equivalent setter method that will be called everytime a user sets a value to this property.

Inside this setter method, you can modify the values of variables that should be changed when the value of fullname is set/changed.

However, there are a couple of conventions you need to follow when defining a setter method:

  1. The setter method should have the same name as the equivalent method that @property decorates.
  2. It accepts as argument the value that user sets to the property.

Finally you need to add a @{methodname}.setter decorator just before the method definition.

Once you add the @{methodname}.setter decorator to it, this method will be called everytime the property (fullname in this case) is set or changed. See below.

class Person():

    def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
        self.first = firstname
        self.last = lastname

    def fullname(self):
        return self.first + ' '+ self.last

    def fullname(self, name):
        firstname, lastname = name.split()
        self.first = firstname
        self.last = lastname

    def email(self):
        return '{}.{}'.format(self.first, self.last)

# Init a Person 
person = Person('selva', 'prabhakaran')
print(person.fullname)  #> selva prabhakaran
print(person.first)  #> selva
print(person.last)  #> prabhakaran

# Setting fullname calls the setter method and updates person.first and person.last
person.fullname = 'velu pillai'

# Print the changed values of `first` and `last`
print(person.fullname) #> velu pillai
print(person.first)  #> pillai
print(person.last)  #> pillai

There you go. We set a new value to person.fullname, the person.first and person.last updated as well. Our Person class will now automatically update the derived attributes (property) when one of the base attribute changes and vice versa.

5. The deleter method

Similar to the setter, the deleter’s method defines what happens when a property is deleted.

You can create the deleter method by defining a method of the same name and adding a @{methodname}.deleter decorator. See the implementation below.

class Person():
    def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
        self.first = firstname
        self.last = lastname
    def fullname(self):
        return self.first + ' '+ self.last
    def fullname(self, name):
        firstname, lastname = name.split()
        self.first = firstname
        self.last = lastname
    def fullname(self):
        self.first = None
        self.last = None        
    def email(self):
        return '{}.{}'.format(self.first, self.last)
# Init a Person 
person = Person('selva', 'prabhakaran')
print(person.fullname)  #> selva prabhakaran

# Deleting fullname calls the deleter method, which erases self.first and self.last
del person.fullname 

# Print the changed values of `first` and `last`
print(person.first)  #> None
print(person.last)  #> None

In above case, the person.first and person.last attribute return None, once the fullname is deleted.

6. Conclusion

So, to summarize:

  1. When to use @property decorator?
    When an attribute is derived from other attributes in the class, so the derived attribute will update whenever the source attributes is changed.
  2. How to make a @property?
    Make an attribute as property by defining it as a function and add the @property decorator before the fn definition.
  3. When to define a setter method for the property?
    Typically, if you want to update the source attributes whenever the property is set. It lets you define any other changes as well.

Hope the purpose of @property is clear and you now know when and how to use it. If you did, congratulations! I will meet you in the next one.

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