
How to sort multiple columns in SQL and in different directions?


How to sort multiple columns in SQL and in different directions?


Let’s create a table named Employees with columns: id, first_name, last_name, and salary.

CREATE TABLE Employees (
    first_name VARCHAR(100),
    last_name VARCHAR(100),
    salary DECIMAL(10, 2)

-- Insert data into the table
INSERT INTO Employees (first_name, last_name, salary) VALUES
('John', 'Doe', 50000),
('Jane', 'Smith', 75000),
('Bill', 'Johnson', 60000),
('Alice', 'Johnson', 72000),
('Eve', 'Doe', 65000);

Input Table (Employees):

id first_name last_name salary
1 John Doe 50,000
2 Jane Smith 75,000
3 Bill Johnson 60,000
4 Alice Johnson 72,000
5 Eve Doe 65,000

Let’s sort the results based on last_name in ascending order and then by salary in descending order.

Desired Solution

id first_name last_name salary
5 Eve Doe 65,000
1 John Doe 50,000
4 Alice Johnson 72,000
3 Bill Johnson 60,000
2 Jane Smith 75,000


Sort multiple columns in SQL and in different directions

SELECT * FROM Employees
ORDER BY last_name ASC, salary DESC;


id first_name last_name salary
5 Eve Doe 65,000
1 John Doe 50,000
4 Alice Johnson 72,000
3 Bill Johnson 60,000
2 Jane Smith 75,000


To sort multiple columns in SQL, you can specify the columns you want to sort by in the ORDER BY clause, separated by commas. You can also specify the sorting direction for each column using the ASC (for ascending) or DESC (for descending) keyword.

When you run the above query on the provided input table, the results will be sorted first by the last_name in ascending order and then by salary in descending order for records with the same last name.

Recommended Courses

  1. SQL for Data Science – Level 1
  2. SQL for Data Science – Level 2
  3. SQL for Data Science – Level 3

Recommended Tutorial

  1. Introduction to SQL
  2. SQL Window Functons – Made Simple and Easy
  3. SQL Subquery
  4. SQL Order by

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