
cd command in linux – Mastering the ‘cd’ command in Linux


Linux is a versatile and powerful operating system, widely used in various applications and environments. One of the fundamental skills any Linux user should possess is the ability to navigate the file system effectively. The ‘cd’ (Change Directory) command is essential for this purpose. In this blog post, we will discuss the ‘cd’ command in depth, along with code examples to help you master it.

What is the ‘cd’ Command?

The ‘cd’ command is a shell builtin command used to change the current working directory in Linux and Unix-like operating systems. It allows users to navigate through the file system hierarchy, moving from one directory to another.

Basic Usage of the ‘cd’ Command

1. Change to a specific directory:

To change to a specific directory, you simply type ‘cd’ followed by the directory path. For example, to change to the ‘/home/user/Documents’ directory, you would use the following command:

$ cd /home/user/Documents

2. Change to the home directory:

To quickly navigate to your home directory, use ‘cd’ without any arguments:

$ cd

Alternatively, you can use the tilde (~) character as a shorthand for your home directory:

$ cd ~

3. Change to the parent directory:

To move up one level in the directory hierarchy (i.e., change to the parent directory), use the ‘..’ notation:

$ cd ..

4. Change to the previous working directory:

To return to the previous working directory, use the ‘-‘ character:

$ cd -

This command will switch back and forth between the current and previous working directory.

5. Advanced Usage of the ‘cd’ Command

a) Using relative paths:

Instead of specifying the full path, you can use relative paths to navigate through the file system. For example, if you are currently in the ‘/home/user’ directory and want to move to the ‘/home/user/Documents/Reports’ directory, you can use:

$ cd Documents/Reports

b) Using environment variables:

You can use environment variables in your ‘cd’ command to navigate the file system. For example, the ‘$HOME’ variable represents your home directory:

$ cd $HOME/Documents

c) Tab completion:

To save time and avoid typos, use tab completion while typing directory paths. Start typing a directory name and press the ‘Tab’ key. The shell will automatically complete the directory name if it is unique. If multiple directories share the same prefix, press ‘Tab’ twice to display a list of possible completions.


In this blog post, we have discussed the ‘cd’ command in Linux and provided various code examples to help you navigate the file system more effectively. With practice, you will become proficient in using the ‘cd’ command, allowing you to quickly and efficiently move through directories in your Linux environment.

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