
SQL Self Join – The Intricacies of SQL Self Join

Dive deep into one of the most important aspects of SQL, “The Self Join”. If you’re looking to take your SQL skills up a notch, understanding and mastering the self join is an excellent way to do it.

What is a SQL Self Join?

A SQL Self Join is a regular join operation, but with a twist. In a self join, a table is joined with itself, treating the same table as if it were two different tables. This is especially useful when the data related and compared are in the same table.

When to Use a SQL Self Join?
A Self Join is primarily used when data in the table need to be compared or combined based on a certain condition. This could be something like comparing the salary of employees within the same department, finding pairs of customers who have the same postal code, or identifying transactions made at the same time, amongst others.

Remember, since SQL does not have a specific “SELF JOIN” clause, you use either LEFT JOIN, INNER JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, or FULL JOIN to write a self join.

Let’s dig into an example to understand how a self join works.

SQL Self Join Example
Suppose you have an Employees table:

| EmployeeID | Name  | ManagerID |
| 1          | Sara  | NULL      |
| 2          | John  | 1         |
| 3          | Lily  | 1         |
| 4          | Mike  | 2         |
| 5          | Bob   | 2         |

The ManagerID field references EmployeeID which indicates who is the manager of the employee. In this example, Sara is the manager of John and Lily, and John is the manager of Mike and Bob.

Now, let’s say you want a list that matches employees with their respective managers. Here’s where a self join comes into play:

SELECT E1.Name AS Employee_Name, E2.Name AS Manager_Name
FROM Employees E1
INNER JOIN Employees E2 ON E1.ManagerID = E2.EmployeeID;

The output of this query will look like this:

| Employee_Name | Manager_Name |
| John          | Sara         |
| Lily          | Sara         |
| Mike          | John         |
| Bob           | John         |

Notice that you used an alias for the Employees table (E1 and E2) to distinguish between the two “copies” of the table. The self join simply matched the ManagerID of the first copy with the EmployeeID of the second copy, effectively linking employees with their respective managers.


Self joins provide a powerful way to extract and compare data within the same table in SQL. It might feel tricky at first, but once you grasp the concept, it becomes an invaluable tool in your SQL toolkit.

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