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SQL Comments – A Deep Dive into SQL Comments

Let’s explore SQL comments a seemingly minor, but crucial aspect of SQL programming.

What are SQL Comments?

Comments are lines of text in your SQL code that the SQL interpreter or compiler ignores. They’re written for humans to read, and they provide a way to document your code directly in your scripts.

Comments can explain the purpose of a specific section of code, provide context, or remind you and others about something important.

While comments do not affect the execution or outcome of the script, they’re essential for maintaining code clarity, readability, and long-term manageability. They also help other team members understand the functionality of a piece of code, improving collaboration.

Syntax of SQL Comments

SQL offers two types of comment syntax:

  1. Single-Line Comments

  2. Multi-Line Comments

1. Single-Line Comments

As the name suggests, single-line comments are for short notes that take up just one line of your code.

There are two ways to write a single-line comment in SQL:

— Comment

The double hyphen (–), followed by your comment. Anything following the –, up to the end of the line, is considered part of the comment and is ignored by SQL.


-- This is a single-line comment

SELECT * FROM Customers;

# Comment

This style is not as universally accepted as the — style, but in many SQL dialects, including MySQL, anything following the # symbol, up to the end of the line, is also a comment.


# This is also a single-line comment

SELECT * FROM Customers;

2. Multi-Line Comments

Multi-line comments are suitable for longer explanations or for temporarily removing blocks of code from execution.

They start with /* and end with */. Anything between these symbols, even spanning multiple lines, is considered part of the comment.


  This is a multi-line comment.
  The SELECT statement below retrieves all records from the Customers table.

SELECT * FROM Customers;

Do note that multi-line comments cannot be nested within another multi-line comment.

Best Practices for SQL Comments

While SQL doesn’t enforce any specific rules for comments, here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Clarity: Write clear and concise comments that aid in understanding the code.

  2. Relevance: Keep your comments relevant to the code they’re associated with.

  3. Maintainability: Update your comments as you modify your code. Outdated comments can lead to confusion.

Remember, the power of comments lies in their ability to aid in understanding your code. Use them effectively and your SQL scripts will be much more maintainable and collaborative-friendly.


Comments are an essential part of SQL programming, greatly aiding in readability and maintainability of scripts. Whether it’s a single line note or a more detailed multi-line explanation, the right use of comments can make your SQL code significantly easier to understand and work with.

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