
SQL AND, OR, and NOT – A Deep Dive into the AND, OR, and NOT Operators

The logical operators AND, OR, and NOT are the most fundamental tools in our SQL toolkit.

Operators AND, OR, and NOT are incredibly useful in refining our queries to extract the precise information you need from our databases. Without further ado, let’s dive right into it.

SQL Logical Operators

SQL logical operators offer a way to combine or modify conditions in a SQL statement. The AND, OR, and NOT operators are integral components of SQL queries and are used extensively in the WHERE clause. Let’s take a closer look at each of them

1) AND operator : The AND operator allows us to combine two or more conditions in a SQL statement, and returns true if all conditions are met.

2) OR Operator : The OR operator allows you to extract data if any of the specified conditions are met.

3) NOT Operator : The NOT operator is used to exclude a particular condition in a SQL statement. Essentially, it returns true if the condition is not met.

Let’s consider the following sample data for the “Employees” table

EmployeeID  FirstName  LastName  Age  City           Salary
1           John       Doe       28   San Francisco  75000
2           Jane       Smith     35   Boston         50000
3           Mary       Johnson   40   San Francisco  85000
4           James      Brown     32   Austin         60000
5           Linda      Davis     30   San Francisco  65000
6           Robert     Miller    24   Boston         70000

1) The AND Operator

The AND operator allows us to combine two or more conditions in a SQL statement, and returns true if all conditions are met.

Consider a database table “Employees” with fields “FirstName”, “LastName”, “Age”, “City”, and “Salary”. If you want to select employees who are from the city “San Francisco” and have a salary greater than 70,000, our SQL statement would look like this

SELECT FirstName, LastName 
FROM Employees 
WHERE City = 'San Francisco' AND Salary > 70000;

In this query, both conditions must be true for any row to be included in the results.


FirstName  LastName
John       Doe
Mary       Johnson

2) The OR Operator

Unlike the AND operator, the OR operator allows you to extract data if any of the specified conditions are met.

For example, if you want to fetch the details of employees who are either from “San Francisco” or have a salary greater than 70,000, you would use the following SQL query

SELECT FirstName, LastName 
FROM Employees 
WHERE City = 'San Francisco' OR Salary > 70000;

In this case, the query will return rows if either condition is true.


FirstName  LastName
John       Doe
Jane       Smith
Mary       Johnson
Linda      Davis

3) The NOT Operator

The NOT operator is used to exclude a particular condition in a SQL statement. Essentially, it returns true if the condition is not met.

Let’s say you want to select all employees who are not from “San Francisco”. Our SQL statement would look like this

SELECT FirstName, LastName 
FROM Employees 
WHERE NOT City = 'San Francisco';

This query will return all the employees from cities other than San Francisco.


FirstName  LastName
Jane       Smith
James      Brown
Robert     Miller

4) Combining AND, OR, NOT Operators

You can use these logical operators in conjunction to create more complex queries. However, be careful about the order of operations – SQL processes NOT before AND, which is processed before OR. Parentheses can help ensure your conditions are evaluated in the way you intend.

Suppose you want to fetch the details of employees who are under the age of 30 and either live in “San Francisco” or earn more than 70,000:

SELECT FirstName, LastName 
FROM Employees 
WHERE Age < 35 AND (City = 'San Francisco' OR Salary > 70000);

In this query, the OR condition is evaluated first due to the parentheses, then the AND condition. So, you get the list of young employees who either live in San Francisco or have high salaries.


FirstName  LastName
John       Doe
Jane       Smith
Linda      Davis
Robert     Miller


The AND, OR, and NOT operators are powerful tools that can make your SQL queries more flexible and precise. While they seem simple at first glance, understanding their functionality at a deeper level allows you to create complex queries with relative ease.

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