
101 R data.table Exercises

The data.table package in R is super fast when it comes to handling data. It has a syntax that reduces keystrokes while making R code easier to read. These set of exercises are designed to help you to oil your data brain through solving data manipulation exercises. Related post: 101 Python datatable Exercises (pydatatable)

101 R data.table Exercises. Photo by Ela Abbau.


1. How to install data.table and check the version?

# Install the data.table package

# Load the library

# Check version

2. How to create a data.table from lists (vectors) ?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question : Create a pandas series from each of the items below: a list, numpy and a dictionary Input

list_1 <- c("a","b","c","d")
list_2 <- c("1","2","3","4")
list_3 <- c("aa","bb","cc","dd")
Show Solution
# Inputs
list_1 <- c("a","b","c","d")
list_2 <- c("1","2","3","4")
list_3 <- c("aa","bb","cc","dd")

# Solution
DT <- data.table(V1= list_1, V2 =list_2, V3 = list_3 )
   V1 V2 V3
1:  a  1 aa
2:  b  2 bb
3:  c  3 cc
4:  d  4 dd

3. How to import csv data files as data.table ?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question : Import BostonHousing dataset as a data.table. Show Solution

# Solution
DT <- fread('')
      crim zn indus chas   nox    rm  age    dis rad tax ptratio      b lstat
1: 0.00632 18  2.31    0 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.0900   1 296    15.3 396.90  4.98
2: 0.02731  0  7.07    0 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671   2 242    17.8 396.90  9.14
3: 0.02729  0  7.07    0 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671   2 242    17.8 392.83  4.03
4: 0.03237  0  2.18    0 0.458 6.998 45.8 6.0622   3 222    18.7 394.63  2.94
5: 0.06905  0  2.18    0 0.458 7.147 54.2 6.0622   3 222    18.7 396.90  5.33
6: 0.02985  0  2.18    0 0.458 6.430 58.7 6.0622   3 222    18.7 394.12  5.21
1: 24.0
2: 21.6
3: 34.7
4: 33.4
5: 36.2
6: 28.7

4. How to import only ‘n’ rows from a csv file to create a data.table?

Difficiulty Level: L1 Question : Import first 50 row of BostonHousing dataset as a data.table. Show Solution

# Solution
DT <- fread('', nrows = 50)
      crim zn indus chas   nox    rm  age    dis rad tax ptratio      b lstat
1: 0.00632 18  2.31    0 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.0900   1 296    15.3 396.90  4.98
2: 0.02731  0  7.07    0 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671   2 242    17.8 396.90  9.14
3: 0.02729  0  7.07    0 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671   2 242    17.8 392.83  4.03
4: 0.03237  0  2.18    0 0.458 6.998 45.8 6.0622   3 222    18.7 394.63  2.94
5: 0.06905  0  2.18    0 0.458 7.147 54.2 6.0622   3 222    18.7 396.90  5.33
6: 0.02985  0  2.18    0 0.458 6.430 58.7 6.0622   3 222    18.7 394.12  5.21
1: 24.0
2: 21.6
3: 34.7
4: 33.4
5: 36.2
6: 28.7

5. How to import only specified columns from a csv file?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question : Import only ‘crim’ and ‘medv’ columns of the BostonHousing dataset as a data.table. Show Solution

# Solution
DT <- fread('', select = c('crim', 'medv'))
      crim medv
1: 0.00632 24.0
2: 0.02731 21.6
3: 0.02729 34.7
4: 0.03237 33.4
5: 0.06905 36.2
6: 0.02985 28.7

6. How to get the nrows, ncolumns, datatype, summary stats of each column in a data.table

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Get the number of rows, columns, datatype and summary statistics of each column of the Cars93 dataset. Input

DT <- fread('')
Show Solution
DT <- fread('')

#  number of rows and columns

# datatypes

# summary statistics
[1] 506
[1] 14
     crim        zn     indus      chas       nox        rm       age       dis 
"numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "integer" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" 
      rad       tax   ptratio         b     lstat      medv 
"integer" "integer" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" 

      crim                zn             indus            chas        
 Min.   : 0.00632   Min.   :  0.00   Min.   : 0.46   Min.   :0.00000  
 1st Qu.: 0.08204   1st Qu.:  0.00   1st Qu.: 5.19   1st Qu.:0.00000  
 Median : 0.25651   Median :  0.00   Median : 9.69   Median :0.00000  
 Mean   : 3.61352   Mean   : 11.36   Mean   :11.14   Mean   :0.06917  
 3rd Qu.: 3.67708   3rd Qu.: 12.50   3rd Qu.:18.10   3rd Qu.:0.00000  
 Max.   :88.97620   Max.   :100.00   Max.   :27.74   Max.   :1.00000  
      nox               rm             age              dis        
 Min.   :0.3850   Min.   :3.561   Min.   :  2.90   Min.   : 1.130  
 1st Qu.:0.4490   1st Qu.:5.886   1st Qu.: 45.02   1st Qu.: 2.100  
 Median :0.5380   Median :6.208   Median : 77.50   Median : 3.207  
 Mean   :0.5547   Mean   :6.285   Mean   : 68.57   Mean   : 3.795  
 3rd Qu.:0.6240   3rd Qu.:6.623   3rd Qu.: 94.08   3rd Qu.: 5.188  
 Max.   :0.8710   Max.   :8.780   Max.   :100.00   Max.   :12.127  
      rad              tax           ptratio            b         
 Min.   : 1.000   Min.   :187.0   Min.   :12.60   Min.   :  0.32  
 1st Qu.: 4.000   1st Qu.:279.0   1st Qu.:17.40   1st Qu.:375.38  
 Median : 5.000   Median :330.0   Median :19.05   Median :391.44  
 Mean   : 9.549   Mean   :408.2   Mean   :18.46   Mean   :356.67  
 3rd Qu.:24.000   3rd Qu.:666.0   3rd Qu.:20.20   3rd Qu.:396.23  
 Max.   :24.000   Max.   :711.0   Max.   :22.00   Max.   :396.90  
     lstat            medv      
 Min.   : 1.73   Min.   : 5.00  
 1st Qu.: 6.95   1st Qu.:17.02  
 Median :11.36   Median :21.20  
 Mean   :12.65   Mean   :22.53  
 3rd Qu.:16.95   3rd Qu.:25.00  
 Max.   :37.97   Max.   :50.00  

7. How to extract the row and column number of a particular cell with given criterion?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Which manufacturer, model and type has the highest Price? What is the row and column number of the cell with the highest Price value? Input

DT <- fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- fread('')

# Solution
# Get Manufacturer with highest price
print(DT[Price == max(Price, na.rm = TRUE)][,list(Manufacturer, Model, Type)])

# Get row number
DT[, .(rownum=.I, Price)][Price == max(Price, na.rm = TRUE), rownum]
    Manufacturer Model    Type
1: Mercedes-Benz  300E Midsize


8. How to rename a specific columns in a data.table?

Difficulty Level: Easy Question : Rename the column Model as New_Model in DT. Input

DT <- fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- fread('')

print(head(setnames(DT, old = "Model", new = "New_Model")[]))
   Manufacturer New_Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price
1:        Acura   Integra   Small      12.9  15.9      18.8       25
2:         <NA>    Legend Midsize      29.2  33.9      38.7       18
3:         Audi        90 Compact      25.9  29.1      32.3       20
4:         Audi       100 Midsize        NA  37.7      44.6       19
5:          BMW      535i Midsize        NA  30.0        NA       22
6:        Buick   Century Midsize      14.2  15.7      17.3       22
   MPG.highway            AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower
1:          31               None      Front         4        1.8        140
2:          25 Driver & Passenger      Front         6        3.2        200
3:          26        Driver only      Front         6        2.8        172
4:          26 Driver & Passenger       <NA>         6         NA        172
5:          30               <NA>       Rear         4        3.5        208
6:          31        Driver only       <NA>         4        2.2        110
    RPM Rev.per.mile Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length
1: 6300         2890             Yes               13.2          5    177
2: 5500         2335             Yes               18.0          5    195
3: 5500         2280             Yes               16.9          5    180
4: 5500         2535            <NA>               21.1          6    193
5: 5700         2545             Yes               21.1          4    186
6: 5200         2565              No               16.4          6    189
   Wheelbase Width Weight  Origin
1:       102    68          37           26.5           NA   2705 non-USA
2:       115    71          38           30.0           15   3560 non-USA
3:       102    67          37           28.0           14   3375 non-USA
4:       106    NA          37           31.0           17   3405 non-USA
5:       109    69          39           27.0           13   3640 non-USA
6:       105    69          41           28.0           16     NA     USA
1: Acura Integra
2:  Acura Legend
3:       Audi 90
4:      Audi 100
5:      BMW 535i
6: Buick Century

9. How to check if a data.table has any missing values?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question : Check if DT has any missing values. Return TRUE is present else FALSE. Input

DT <- fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- fread('')

# Solution


10. How to check for missing values in a data.table?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question : Get the location of missing values in DT. Replace the value with TRUE is missing else FALSE. Input

DT <- fread('')

Desired Output

     Manufacturer Model  Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
[5,]        FALSE FALSE FALSE      TRUE FALSE      TRUE    FALSE       FALSE
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- fread('')

# Solution
     Manufacturer Model  Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
[5,]        FALSE FALSE FALSE      TRUE FALSE      TRUE    FALSE       FALSE
     AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower   RPM Rev.per.mile
[1,]   FALSE      FALSE     FALSE      FALSE      FALSE FALSE        FALSE
[2,]   FALSE      FALSE     FALSE      FALSE      FALSE FALSE        FALSE
[3,]   FALSE      FALSE     FALSE      FALSE      FALSE FALSE        FALSE
[4,]   FALSE       TRUE     FALSE       TRUE      FALSE FALSE        FALSE
[5,]    TRUE      FALSE     FALSE      FALSE      FALSE FALSE        FALSE
[6,]   FALSE       TRUE     FALSE      FALSE      FALSE FALSE        FALSE
     Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase Width
[1,]           FALSE              FALSE      FALSE  FALSE     FALSE FALSE
[2,]           FALSE              FALSE      FALSE  FALSE     FALSE FALSE
[3,]           FALSE              FALSE      FALSE  FALSE     FALSE FALSE
[4,]            TRUE              FALSE      FALSE  FALSE     FALSE  TRUE
[5,]           FALSE              FALSE      FALSE  FALSE     FALSE FALSE
[6,]           FALSE              FALSE      FALSE  FALSE     FALSE FALSE Weight Origin  Make
[1,]       FALSE          FALSE         TRUE  FALSE  FALSE FALSE
[2,]       FALSE          FALSE        FALSE  FALSE  FALSE FALSE
[3,]       FALSE          FALSE        FALSE  FALSE  FALSE FALSE
[4,]       FALSE          FALSE        FALSE  FALSE  FALSE FALSE
[5,]       FALSE          FALSE        FALSE  FALSE  FALSE FALSE
[6,]       FALSE          FALSE        FALSE   TRUE  FALSE FALSE

11. How to get the row and column positions of missing values in a data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question: Get the row and column positions of missing values in DT. Input

DT <- fread('')

Desired Output

[1] "(1, 24)"  "(2, 1)"   "(4, 4)"   "(4, 10)"  "(4, 12)"  "(4, 16)"  "(4, 21)" 
[8] "(5, 4)"   "(5, 6)"   "(5, 9)"   "(6, 10)"  "(6, 25)"  "(7, 6)"   "(7, 15)" 
[15] "(7, 17)"  "(9, 21)"  "(10, 15)" "(11, 24)" "(12, 9)"  "(12, 10)" "(12, 13)"
[22] "(13, 11)" "(13, 24)" "(14, 11)" "(14, 17)" "(15, 7)"  "(15, 13)" "(15, 19)"
[29] "(15, 22)" "(16, 24)" "(17, 13)" "(17, 24)" "(19, 23)" "(19, 24)" "(19, 26)"
[36] "(20, 1)"  "(20, 22)" "(23, 17)" "(23, 23)" "(24, 15)" "(24, 24)" .. (truncated)
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- fread('')

# Solution
output <- c()  # init output vector

for(i in 1:NROW(DT)){
  for(j in 1:NCOL(DT)){
    curr_value <- DT[i, j,with=F][[1]]
      position <- paste0('(', paste(i, j, sep=', '), ')')
      output   <- c(output, position)

11. How to count the number of missing values in each column of data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Count the number of missing values in each column of DT Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

# Solution
for (i in colnames(DT)){
    print(paste("Number of missing values in column", i , "is", sum([,..i]))))
[1] "Number of missing values in column Manufacturer is 4"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Model is 1"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Type is 3"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Min.Price is 7"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Price is 2"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Max.Price is 5"
[1] "Number of missing values in column is 9"
[1] "Number of missing values in column MPG.highway is 2"
[1] "Number of missing values in column AirBags is 6"
[1] "Number of missing values in column DriveTrain is 7"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Cylinders is 5"
[1] "Number of missing values in column EngineSize is 2"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Horsepower is 7"
[1] "Number of missing values in column RPM is 3"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Rev.per.mile is 6"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Man.trans.avail is 5"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Fuel.tank.capacity is 8"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Passengers is 2"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Length is 4"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Wheelbase is 1"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Width is 6"
[1] "Number of missing values in column is 5"
[1] "Number of missing values in column is 4"
[1] "Number of missing values in column is 19"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Weight is 7"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Origin is 5"
[1] "Number of missing values in column Make is 3"

12. How to replace missing values of data.table with 0?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Replace all missing values in DT with 0. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

# Solution
DT[] <- 0
print(head(DT[, 1:8]))
   Manufacturer   Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:        Acura Integra   Small      12.9  15.9      18.8       25          31
2:            0  Legend Midsize      29.2  33.9      38.7       18          25
3:         Audi      90 Compact      25.9  29.1      32.3       20          26
4:         Audi     100 Midsize       0.0  37.7      44.6       19          26
5:          BMW    535i Midsize       0.0  30.0       0.0       22          30
6:        Buick Century Midsize      14.2  15.7      17.3       22          31

13. How to replace missing values of numeric columns with the mean?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Replace missing values of numeric columns with their respective mean. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

# Solution
replace_with_mean <- function(x){ifelse(,mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),x)}
output <- DT[,lapply(.SD, replace_with_mean)]

   Manufacturer   Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:        Acura Integra   Small   12.9000  15.9  18.80000       25          31
2:         <NA>  Legend Midsize   29.2000  33.9  38.70000       18          25
3:         Audi      90 Compact   25.9000  29.1  32.30000       20          26
4:         Audi     100 Midsize   17.1186  37.7  44.60000       19          26
5:          BMW    535i Midsize   17.1186  30.0  21.45909       22          30
6:        Buick Century Midsize   14.2000  15.7  17.30000       22          31
              AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1:               None      Front         4   1.800000        140 6300
2: Driver & Passenger      Front         6   3.200000        200 5500
3:        Driver only      Front         6   2.800000        172 5500
4: Driver & Passenger       <NA>         6   2.658242        172 5500
5:               <NA>       Rear         4   3.500000        208 5700
6:        Driver only       <NA>         4   2.200000        110 5200
   Rev.per.mile Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase
1:         2890             Yes               13.2          5    177       102
2:         2335             Yes               18.0          5    195       115
3:         2280             Yes               16.9          5    180       102
4:         2535            <NA>               21.1          6    193       106
5:         2545             Yes               21.1          4    186       109
6:         2565              No               16.4          6    189       105
      Width   Weight  Origin
1: 68.00000          37           26.5     13.98649 2705.000 non-USA
2: 71.00000          38           30.0     15.00000 3560.000 non-USA
3: 67.00000          37           28.0     14.00000 3375.000 non-USA
4: 69.44828          37           31.0     17.00000 3405.000 non-USA
5: 69.00000          39           27.0     13.00000 3640.000 non-USA
6: 69.00000          41           28.0     16.00000 3104.593     USA
1: Acura Integra
2:  Acura Legend
3:       Audi 90
4:      Audi 100
5:      BMW 535i
6: Buick Century

14. How to select a specific column from a data.table as a list (vector)?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question : Get the column Model in DT as a list. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Solution

[1] "Integra"        "Legend"         "90"             "100"           
 [5] "535i"           "Century"        "LeSabre"        "Roadmaster"    
 [9] "Riviera"        "DeVille"        "Seville"        "Cavalier"      
[13] "Corsica"        "Camaro"         "Lumina"         "Lumina_APV"    
[17] "Astro"          "Caprice"        "Corvette"       "Concorde"      
[21] "LeBaron"        "Imperial"       (...truncated...) 
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

DT <- DT[, Model]
 [1] "Integra"        "Legend"         "90"             "100"           
 [5] "535i"           "Century"        "LeSabre"        "Roadmaster"    
 [9] "Riviera"        "DeVille"        "Seville"        "Cavalier"      
[13] "Corsica"        "Camaro"         "Lumina"         "Lumina_APV"    
[17] "Astro"          "Caprice"        "Corvette"       "Concorde"      
[21] "LeBaron"        "Imperial"       "Colt"           "Shadow"        
[25] "Spirit"         "Caravan"        "Dynasty"        "Stealth"       
[29] "Summit"         "Vision"         "Festiva"        "Escort"        
[33] "Tempo"          "Mustang"        "Probe"          "Aerostar"      
[37] "Taurus"         "Crown_Victoria" "Metro"          "Storm"         
[41] "Prelude"        "Civic"          "Accord"         "Excel"         
[45] "Elantra"        "Scoupe"         "Sonata"         "Q45"           
[49] "ES300"          "SC300"          "Continental"    "Town_Car"      
[53] "323"            "Protege"        "626"            "MPV"           
[57] "RX-7"           "190E"           "300E"           NA              
[61] "Cougar"         "Mirage"         "Diamante"       "Sentra"        
[65] "Altima"         "Quest"          "Maxima"         "Achieva"       
[69] "Cutlass_Ciera"  "Silhouette"     "Eighty-Eight"   "Laser"         
[73] "LeMans"         "Sunbird"        "Firebird"       "Grand_Prix"    
[77] "Bonneville"     "900"            "SL"             "Justy"         
[81] "Loyale"         "Legacy"         "Swift"          "Tercel"        
[85] "Celica"         "Camry"          "Previa"         "Fox"           
[89] "Eurovan"        "Passat"         "Corrado"        "240"           
[93] "850"           

15. How to select a specific column from a data.table as a data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Get the column Model in DT as a data.table (rather than as a list). Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Solution

1: Integra
2:  Legend
3:      90
4:     100
5:    535i
6: Century
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

DT <- DT[, list(Model)]
1: Integra
2:  Legend
3:      90
4:     100
5:    535i
6: Century

16. How to sort a data.table based on a given column?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question: Reorder the rows as per Price column of DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

DT <- DT[order(Price)]
   Manufacturer   Model  Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:         Ford Festiva Small       6.9   7.4       7.9       31          33
2:      Hyundai   Excel Small       6.8   8.0       9.2       29          33
3:        Mazda     323 Small       7.4   8.3       9.1       29          37
4:          Geo   Metro Small       6.7   8.4      10.0       46          50
5:       Subaru   Justy Small       7.3   8.4       9.5       33          37
6:       Suzuki   Swift  <NA>       7.3   8.6        NA       39          43
   AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM Rev.per.mile
1:    <NA>      Front         4        1.3         63 5000         3150
2:    None      Front         4        1.5         81 5500         2710
3:    None      Front         4        1.6         82 5000         2370
4:    None      Front         3        1.0         55 5700         3755
5:    None        4WD         3        1.2         73 5600         2875
6:    None      Front         3        1.3         70 6000         3360
   Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase Width
1:             Yes               10.0          4    141        90    63
2:             Yes               11.9          5    168        94    63
3:             Yes               13.2          4    164        97    66
4:            <NA>               10.6          4    151        93    63
5:             Yes                9.2          4    146        90    60
6:             Yes               10.6          4    161        93    NA Weight  Origin          Make
1:          33           26.0           12   1845     USA  Ford Festiva
2:          35           26.0           11   2345 non-USA Hyundai Excel
3:          34           27.0           16   2325 non-USA     Mazda 323
4:          34           27.5           10   1695 non-USA     Geo Metro
5:          32           23.5           10   2045 non-USA  Subaru Justy
6:          34           27.5           10   1965 non-USA  Suzuki Swift

17. How to sort a data.table based on two or more columns?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question : Reorder the rows as per ascending order of Price column and descending order of Max.Price column of DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

DT <- DT[order(Price, -Max.Price)]
   Manufacturer   Model  Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:         Ford Festiva Small       6.9   7.4       7.9       31          33
2:      Hyundai   Excel Small       6.8   8.0       9.2       29          33
3:        Mazda     323 Small       7.4   8.3       9.1       29          37
4:          Geo   Metro Small       6.7   8.4      10.0       46          50
5:       Subaru   Justy Small       7.3   8.4       9.5       33          37
6:       Suzuki   Swift  <NA>       7.3   8.6        NA       39          43
   AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM Rev.per.mile
1:    <NA>      Front         4        1.3         63 5000         3150
2:    None      Front         4        1.5         81 5500         2710
3:    None      Front         4        1.6         82 5000         2370
4:    None      Front         3        1.0         55 5700         3755
5:    None        4WD         3        1.2         73 5600         2875
6:    None      Front         3        1.3         70 6000         3360
   Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase Width
1:             Yes               10.0          4    141        90    63
2:             Yes               11.9          5    168        94    63
3:             Yes               13.2          4    164        97    66
4:            <NA>               10.6          4    151        93    63
5:             Yes                9.2          4    146        90    60
6:             Yes               10.6          4    161        93    NA Weight  Origin          Make
1:          33           26.0           12   1845     USA  Ford Festiva
2:          35           26.0           11   2345 non-USA Hyundai Excel
3:          34           27.0           16   2325 non-USA     Mazda 323
4:          34           27.5           10   1695 non-USA     Geo Metro
5:          32           23.5           10   2045 non-USA  Subaru Justy
6:          34           27.5           10   1965 non-USA  Suzuki Swift

18. How to filter out rows from a data.table that satisfy multiple conditions?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Filter out the rows having Manufacturer as Ford and Price less than 30 Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output :

   Manufacturer    Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:         Ford  Festiva   Small       6.9   7.4       7.9       31          33
2:         Ford   Escort   Small       8.4  10.1      11.9       23          30
3:         Ford    Tempo Compact      10.4  11.3      12.2       22          27
4:         Ford  Mustang  Sporty      10.8  15.9      21.0       22          29
5:         Ford    Probe  Sporty      12.8  14.0      15.2       NA          30
6:         Ford Aerostar     Van      14.5  19.9      25.3       15          20
       AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM Rev.per.mile
1:        <NA>      Front         4        1.3         63 5000         3150
2:        None      Front         4        1.8        127 6500         2410
3:        None      Front         4        2.3         96 4200         2805
4: Driver only       Rear         4        2.3        105 4600         2285
5: Driver only      Front         4        2.0        115 5500         2340
6: Driver only        4WD         6        3.0        145 4800         2080
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

sol <- DT[Manufacturer == "Ford" & Price < 30]
   Manufacturer    Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:         Ford  Festiva   Small       6.9   7.4       7.9       31          33
2:         Ford   Escort   Small       8.4  10.1      11.9       23          30
3:         Ford    Tempo Compact      10.4  11.3      12.2       22          27
4:         Ford  Mustang  Sporty      10.8  15.9      21.0       22          29
5:         Ford    Probe  Sporty      12.8  14.0      15.2       NA          30
6:         Ford Aerostar     Van      14.5  19.9      25.3       15          20
       AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM Rev.per.mile
1:        <NA>      Front         4        1.3         63 5000         3150
2:        None      Front         4        1.8        127 6500         2410
3:        None      Front         4        2.3         96 4200         2805
4: Driver only       Rear         4        2.3        105 4600         2285
5: Driver only      Front         4        2.0        115 5500         2340
6: Driver only        4WD         6        3.0        145 4800         2080
   Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase Width
1:             Yes               10.0          4    141        90    63
2:            <NA>               13.2          5    171        98    67
3:             Yes               15.9          5    177       100    68
4:             Yes               15.4          4    180       101    68
5:             Yes               15.5          4    179       103    70
6:             Yes               21.0          7    176       119    72 Weight Origin          Make
1:          33           26.0           12   1845    USA  Ford Festiva
2:          36           28.0           12   2530    USA   Ford Escort
3:          NA           27.5           13     NA    USA          <NA>
4:          40           24.0           12     NA    USA  Ford Mustang
5:          38           23.0           18   2710    USA    Ford Probe
6:          45           30.0           NA   3735    USA Ford Aerostar

19. How to select multiple columns from data.table and rename them?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Get columns ‘Manufacturer’ & ‘Type’ from data.table and rename them to ‘MANUFACTURER’ & ‘TYPE’ Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

1:        Acura   Small
2:         <NA> Midsize
3:         Audi Compact
4:         Audi Midsize
5:          BMW Midsize
6:        Buick Midsize
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

sol <- DT[, .(MANUFACTURER = Manufacturer, TYPE = Type)]
1:        Acura   Small
2:         <NA> Midsize
3:         Audi Compact
4:         Audi Midsize
5:          BMW Midsize
6:        Buick Midsize

20. How to get mean of rows that satisfy a condition from a given column?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Get mean of all the vehicles having Price greater than 30. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output :

Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[Price > 30, mean(Price, na.rm = TRUE)]


21. How to remove only specified columns from a data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Create new data.table by removing ‘Manufacturer’ & ‘Type’ columns. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[, !c("Manufacturer", "Type")]
     Model Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway            AirBags
1: Integra      12.9  15.9      18.8       25          31               None
2:  Legend      29.2  33.9      38.7       18          25 Driver & Passenger
3:      90      25.9  29.1      32.3       20          26        Driver only
4:     100        NA  37.7      44.6       19          26 Driver & Passenger
5:    535i        NA  30.0        NA       22          30               <NA>
6: Century      14.2  15.7      17.3       22          31        Driver only
   DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM Rev.per.mile Man.trans.avail
1:      Front         4        1.8        140 6300         2890             Yes
2:      Front         6        3.2        200 5500         2335             Yes
3:      Front         6        2.8        172 5500         2280             Yes
4:       <NA>         6         NA        172 5500         2535            <NA>
5:       Rear         4        3.5        208 5700         2545             Yes
6:       <NA>         4        2.2        110 5200         2565              No
   Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase Width
1:               13.2          5    177       102    68          37
2:               18.0          5    195       115    71          38
3:               16.9          5    180       102    67          37
4:               21.1          6    193       106    NA          37
5:               21.1          4    186       109    69          39
6:               16.4          6    189       105    69          41 Weight  Origin          Make
1:           26.5           NA   2705 non-USA Acura Integra
2:           30.0           15   3560 non-USA  Acura Legend
3:           28.0           14   3375 non-USA       Audi 90
4:           31.0           17   3405 non-USA      Audi 100
5:           27.0           13   3640 non-USA      BMW 535i
6:           28.0           16     NA     USA Buick Century

22. How to calculate count of each unique value in a given column?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Calculate number of records for every Manufacturer in DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

   Manufacturer N
1:        Acura 1
2:         <NA> 4
3:         Audi 2
4:          BMW 1
5:        Buick 4
6:     Cadillac 2
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[, .(.N), by = .(Manufacturer)]
   Manufacturer N
1:        Acura 1
2:         <NA> 4
3:         Audi 2
4:          BMW 1
5:        Buick 4
6:     Cadillac 2

23. How to find mean of a column grouped by multiple columns?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Calculate mean Price for every Manufacturer, Type combination in DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

   Manufacturer    Type       V1
1:        Acura   Small 15.90000
2:         <NA> Midsize 31.93333
3:         Audi Compact 29.10000
4:         Audi Midsize 37.70000
5:          BMW Midsize 30.00000
6:        Buick Midsize 21.00000
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[, mean(Price, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(Manufacturer, Type)]
   Manufacturer    Type       V1
1:        Acura   Small 15.90000
2:         <NA> Midsize 31.93333
3:         Audi Compact 29.10000
4:         Audi Midsize 37.70000
5:          BMW Midsize 30.00000
6:        Buick Midsize 21.00000

24. How to find mean of column grouped by multiple columns and sort by grouped columns?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Calculate mean Price for every Manufacturer, Type combination and arrange it by the keys in DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

   Manufacturer    Type    V1
1:        Acura   Small 15.90
2:         Audi Compact 29.10
3:         Audi Midsize 37.70
4:          BMW Midsize 30.00
5:        Buick   Large 22.25
6:        Buick Midsize 21.00
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

#Solution 1
output <- DT[, mean(Price, na.rm = TRUE), keyby = .(Manufacturer, Type)]

#Solution 1
output <- DT[, mean(Price, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(Manufacturer, Type)][order(Manufacturer, Type)]
   Manufacturer    Type    V1
1:        Acura   Small 15.90
2:         Audi Compact 29.10
3:         Audi Midsize 37.70
4:          BMW Midsize 30.00
5:        Buick   Large 22.25
6:        Buick Midsize 21.00

25. How to select all numeric columns from data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Select numeric columns from DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

   Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1:      12.9  15.9      18.8       25          31        1.8        140 6300
2:      29.2  33.9      38.7       18          25        3.2        200 5500
3:      25.9  29.1      32.3       20          26        2.8        172 5500
4:        NA  37.7      44.6       19          26         NA        172 5500
5:        NA  30.0        NA       22          30        3.5        208 5700
6:      14.2  15.7      17.3       22          31        2.2        110 5200
   Rev.per.mile Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase Width
1:         2890               13.2          5    177       102    68
2:         2335               18.0          5    195       115    71
3:         2280               16.9          5    180       102    67
4:         2535               21.1          6    193       106    NA
5:         2545               21.1          4    186       109    69
6:         2565               16.4          6    189       105    69
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

# Solution 1
output <- DT[, .SD, .SDcols = which(sapply(DT, is.numeric))]
   Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1:      12.9  15.9      18.8       25          31        1.8        140 6300
2:      29.2  33.9      38.7       18          25        3.2        200 5500
3:      25.9  29.1      32.3       20          26        2.8        172 5500
4:        NA  37.7      44.6       19          26         NA        172 5500
5:        NA  30.0        NA       22          30        3.5        208 5700
6:      14.2  15.7      17.3       22          31        2.2        110 5200
   Rev.per.mile Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase Width
1:         2890               13.2          5    177       102    68
2:         2335               18.0          5    195       115    71
3:         2280               16.9          5    180       102    67
4:         2535               21.1          6    193       106    NA
5:         2545               21.1          4    186       109    69
6:         2565               16.4          6    189       105    69 Weight
1:          37           26.5           NA   2705
2:          38           30.0           15   3560
3:          37           28.0           14   3375
4:          37           31.0           17   3405
5:          39           27.0           13   3640
6:          41           28.0           16     NA

26. How to calculate mean of all numeric columns for every Manufacturer?

Difficulty Level: L3 Question : Calculate mean of all numeric columns for every Manufacturer Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

   Manufacturer Min.Price  Price Max.Price MPG.highway EngineSize
1:        Acura    12.900 15.900     18.80     25.0       31.00      1.800
2:         <NA>    26.775 28.550     30.30     19.0       26.00      2.975
3:         Audi        NA 33.400     38.45     19.5       26.00         NA
4:          BMW        NA 30.000        NA     22.0       30.00      3.500
5:        Buick    20.750 21.625        NA     19.0       27.75      3.875
6:     Cadillac    35.250 37.400     39.50     16.0       25.00      4.750
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[, .SD, .SDcols = which(sapply(DT, is.numeric))]
output <- cbind(output, DT[, list(Manufacturer)])
output <- output[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = Manufacturer]
   Manufacturer Min.Price  Price Max.Price MPG.highway EngineSize
1:        Acura    12.900 15.900     18.80     25.0       31.00      1.800
2:         <NA>    26.775 28.550     30.30     19.0       26.00      2.975
3:         Audi        NA 33.400     38.45     19.5       26.00         NA
4:          BMW        NA 30.000        NA     22.0       30.00      3.500
5:        Buick    20.750 21.625        NA     19.0       27.75      3.875
6:     Cadillac    35.250 37.400     39.50     16.0       25.00      4.750
   Horsepower  RPM Rev.per.mile Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase
1:      140.0 6300       2890.0               13.2       5.00 177.00    102.00
2:      186.5 5750           NA                 NA       5.00 193.25    109.75
3:      172.0 5500       2407.5               19.0       5.50 186.50    104.00
4:      208.0 5700       2545.0               21.1       4.00 186.00    109.00
5:      157.5 4700           NA                 NA       5.75 200.75    110.00
6:      247.5 5050           NA               19.0       5.50 205.00    112.50
   Width  Weight
1: 68.00       37.00         26.500           NA 2705.00
2: 71.25          NA         29.000         13.5 3458.75
3:    NA       37.00         29.500         15.5 3390.00
4: 69.00       39.00         27.000         13.0 3640.00
5:    NA       42.25         28.875         17.0      NA
6: 73.50       43.50         33.000           NA 3777.50

27. How to get first 3 rows for every Manufacturer?

Difficulty Level: L3 Question : Get first 3 rows for every Manufacturer in DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

   Manufacturer   Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:        Acura Integra   Small      12.9  15.9      18.8       25          31
2:         Audi      90 Compact      25.9  29.1      32.3       20          26
3:         Audi     100 Midsize        NA  37.7      44.6       19          26
4:          BMW    535i Midsize        NA  30.0        NA       22          30
5:        Buick Century Midsize      14.2  15.7      17.3       22          31
6:        Buick LeSabre   Large      19.9  20.8        NA       19          28
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[!, head(.SD, 3), by = Manufacturer]
   Manufacturer   Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:        Acura Integra   Small      12.9  15.9      18.8       25          31
2:         Audi      90 Compact      25.9  29.1      32.3       20          26
3:         Audi     100 Midsize        NA  37.7      44.6       19          26
4:          BMW    535i Midsize        NA  30.0        NA       22          30
5:        Buick Century Midsize      14.2  15.7      17.3       22          31
6:        Buick LeSabre   Large      19.9  20.8        NA       19          28
              AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1:               None      Front         4        1.8        140 6300
2:        Driver only      Front         6        2.8        172 5500
3: Driver & Passenger       <NA>         6         NA        172 5500
4:               <NA>       Rear         4        3.5        208 5700
5:        Driver only       <NA>         4        2.2        110 5200
6:        Driver only      Front         6        3.8        170 4800
   Rev.per.mile Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase
1:         2890             Yes               13.2          5    177       102
2:         2280             Yes               16.9          5    180       102
3:         2535            <NA>               21.1          6    193       106
4:         2545             Yes               21.1          4    186       109
5:         2565              No               16.4          6    189       105
6:           NA              No                 NA          6    200       111
   Width Weight  Origin          Make
1:    68          37           26.5           NA   2705 non-USA Acura Integra
2:    67          37           28.0           14   3375 non-USA       Audi 90
3:    NA          37           31.0           17   3405 non-USA      Audi 100
4:    69          39           27.0           13   3640 non-USA      BMW 535i
5:    69          41           28.0           16     NA     USA Buick Century
6:    74          42           30.5           17   3470     USA Buick LeSabre

28. How to remove specific column from data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Remove column Model from DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

DT[, Model := NULL]
   Manufacturer    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:        Acura   Small      12.9  15.9      18.8       25          31
2:         <NA> Midsize      29.2  33.9      38.7       18          25
3:         Audi Compact      25.9  29.1      32.3       20          26
4:         Audi Midsize        NA  37.7      44.6       19          26
5:          BMW Midsize        NA  30.0        NA       22          30
6:        Buick Midsize      14.2  15.7      17.3       22          31
              AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1:               None      Front         4        1.8        140 6300
2: Driver & Passenger      Front         6        3.2        200 5500
3:        Driver only      Front         6        2.8        172 5500
4: Driver & Passenger       <NA>         6         NA        172 5500
5:               <NA>       Rear         4        3.5        208 5700
6:        Driver only       <NA>         4        2.2        110 5200
   Rev.per.mile Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase
1:         2890             Yes               13.2          5    177       102
2:         2335             Yes               18.0          5    195       115
3:         2280             Yes               16.9          5    180       102
4:         2535            <NA>               21.1          6    193       106
5:         2545             Yes               21.1          4    186       109
6:         2565              No               16.4          6    189       105
   Width Weight  Origin          Make
1:    68          37           26.5           NA   2705 non-USA Acura Integra
2:    71          38           30.0           15   3560 non-USA  Acura Legend
3:    67          37           28.0           14   3375 non-USA       Audi 90
4:    NA          37           31.0           17   3405 non-USA      Audi 100
5:    69          39           27.0           13   3640 non-USA      BMW 535i
6:    69          41           28.0           16     NA     USA Buick Century

29. How to set key to data.table?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question : Set column AirBags as key to the data.table Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')


30. How to get all rows where AirBags are at 'Driver & Passenger' in DT?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Get all rows where AirBags are Driver & Passenger in DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

print(head(DT["Driver & Passenger"]))
   Manufacturer    Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:         <NA>   Legend Midsize      29.2  33.9      38.7       18          25
2:         Audi      100 Midsize        NA  37.7      44.6       19          26
3:     Cadillac  Seville Midsize      37.5  40.1      42.7       16          25
4:    Chevrolet   Camaro  Sporty      13.4  15.1      16.8       19          28
5:         <NA> Concorde   Large      18.4  18.4      18.4       20          28
6:     Chrysler  LeBaron Compact      14.5  15.8      17.1       23          28
              AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1: Driver & Passenger      Front         6        3.2        200 5500
2: Driver & Passenger       <NA>         6         NA        172 5500
3: Driver & Passenger      Front         8        4.6        295 6000
4: Driver & Passenger       Rear      <NA>        3.4        160 4600
5: Driver & Passenger      Front         6        3.3        153 5300
6: Driver & Passenger      Front         4        3.0        141 5000
   Rev.per.mile Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase
1:         2335             Yes               18.0          5    195       115
2:         2535            <NA>               21.1          6    193       106
3:         1985              No               20.0          5    204       111
4:         1805             Yes                 NA          4    193       101
5:         1990              No               18.0          6    203       113
6:         2090              No               16.0          6    183       104
   Width Weight  Origin
1:    71          38           30.0           15   3560 non-USA
2:    NA          37           31.0           17   3405 non-USA
3:    74          44           31.0           NA   3935     USA
4:    74          43           25.0           13   3240     USA
5:    74          NA           31.0           15   3515     USA
6:    68          41           30.5           14   3085     USA
1:      Acura Legend
2:          Audi 100
3:  Cadillac Seville
4:  Chevrolet Camaro
5: Chrylser Concorde
6:  Chrysler LeBaron

31. How to get all rows where AirBags are either 'Driver & Passenger' or 'No data'?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Get all rows where AirBags are Driver & Passenger & No data. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

print(DT[c("Driver & Passenger", "No data")])
     Manufacturer       Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price
 1:          <NA>      Legend Midsize      29.2  33.9      38.7       18
 2:          Audi         100 Midsize        NA  37.7      44.6       19
 3:      Cadillac     Seville Midsize      37.5  40.1      42.7       16
 4:     Chevrolet      Camaro  Sporty      13.4  15.1      16.8       19
 5:          <NA>    Concorde   Large      18.4  18.4      18.4       20
 6:      Chrysler     LeBaron Compact      14.5  15.8      17.1       23
 7:         Eagle      Vision   Large        NA  19.3      21.2       20
 8:         Honda     Prelude  Sporty      17.0  19.8      22.7       24
 9:         Honda      Accord Compact      13.8  17.5      21.2       24
10:          <NA>       SC300 Midsize      34.7  35.2      35.6       18
11:       Lincoln Continental Midsize      33.3  34.3      35.3       17
12:       Lincoln    Town_Car   Large      34.4  36.1      37.8       18
13: Mercedes-Benz        300E Midsize      43.8  61.9      80.0       19
14:       Pontiac    Firebird    <NA>      14.0  17.7      21.4       19
15:       Pontiac  Bonneville   Large      19.4  24.4      29.4       19
16:          <NA>         850 Midsize      24.8  26.7      28.5       20
17:          <NA>        <NA>    <NA>        NA    NA        NA       NA
    MPG.highway            AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower
 1:          25 Driver & Passenger      Front         6        3.2        200
 2:          26 Driver & Passenger       <NA>         6         NA        172
 3:          25 Driver & Passenger      Front         8        4.6        295
 4:          28 Driver & Passenger       Rear      <NA>        3.4        160
 5:          28 Driver & Passenger      Front         6        3.3        153
 6:          28 Driver & Passenger      Front         4        3.0        141
 7:          28 Driver & Passenger      Front         6        3.5         NA
 8:          31 Driver & Passenger      Front         4        2.3        160
 9:          31 Driver & Passenger      Front         4        2.2        140
10:          23 Driver & Passenger       Rear         6        3.0        225
11:          26 Driver & Passenger       <NA>         6        3.8        160
12:          26 Driver & Passenger       Rear         8        4.6        210
13:          25 Driver & Passenger       Rear         6        3.2        217
14:          28 Driver & Passenger       Rear         6         NA        160
15:          28 Driver & Passenger      Front         6        3.8        170
16:          28 Driver & Passenger      Front         5        2.4        168
17:          NA            No data       <NA>      <NA>         NA         NA
     RPM Rev.per.mile Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length
 1: 5500         2335             Yes               18.0          5    195
 2: 5500         2535            <NA>               21.1          6    193
 3: 6000         1985              No               20.0          5    204
 4: 4600         1805             Yes                 NA          4    193
 5: 5300         1990              No               18.0          6    203
 6: 5000         2090              No               16.0          6    183
 7: 5800         1980              No               18.0          6    202
 8: 5800         2855             Yes                 NA          4    175
 9: 5600           NA             Yes               17.0          4    185
10: 6000         2510             Yes                 NA          4    191
11: 4400         1835              No               18.4          6    205
12: 4600         1840              No               20.0         NA    219
13: 5500         2220              No               18.5          5     NA
14: 4600         1805             Yes               15.5          4    196
15: 4800         1565              No               18.0          6    177
16: 6200           NA             Yes               19.3          5    184
17:   NA           NA            <NA>                 NA         NA     NA
    Wheelbase Width Weight  Origin
 1:       115    71          38           30.0           15   3560 non-USA
 2:       106    NA          37           31.0           17   3405 non-USA
 3:       111    74          44           31.0           NA   3935     USA
 4:       101    74          43           25.0           13   3240     USA
 5:       113    74          NA           31.0           15   3515     USA
 6:       104    68          41           30.5           14   3085     USA
 7:       113    74          40           30.0           15   3490     USA
 8:       100    70          39           23.5            8   2865 non-USA
 9:       107    67          41           28.0           14   3040 non-USA
10:       106    71          39           25.0            9   3515 non-USA
11:       109    73          42           30.0           19   3695     USA
12:       117    77          45           31.5           22   4055     USA
13:       110    69          37             NA           15   3525 non-USA
14:       101    75          43           25.0           13   3240     USA
15:       111    74          43           30.5           18   3495     USA
16:       105    69          38           30.0           15   3245 non-USA
17:        NA    NA          NA             NA           NA     NA    <NA>
 1:        Acura Legend
 2:            Audi 100
 3:    Cadillac Seville
 4:    Chevrolet Camaro
 5:   Chrylser Concorde
 6:    Chrysler LeBaron
 7:        Eagle Vision
 8:       Honda Prelude
 9:        Honda Accord
10:         Lexus SC300
11: Lincoln Continental
12:    Lincoln Town_Car
13:  Mercedes-Benz 300E
14:    Pontiac Firebird
15:  Pontiac Bonneville
16:           Volvo 850
17:                <NA>

33. How to get last and 2nd last (penultimate) row of data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question 1 : Get penultimate row of DT. Question 2 : Get last row of DT. Input:

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output:

   Manufacturer Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:         <NA>   850 Midsize      24.8  26.7      28.5       20          28
2:        Volvo   240 Compact      21.8  22.7      23.5       21          28
              AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1: Driver & Passenger      Front         5        2.4        168 6200
2:        Driver only       Rear      <NA>        2.3        114 5400
   Rev.per.mile Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase
1:           NA             Yes               19.3          5    184       105
2:         2215             Yes               15.8          5    190       104
   Width Weight  Origin      Make
1:    69          38           30.0           15   3245 non-USA Volvo 850
2:    67          37           29.5           14   2985 non-USA Volvo 240
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

# Solution
output <- DT[c(.N, .N - 1)]
   Manufacturer Model    Type Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway
1:         <NA>   850 Midsize      24.8  26.7      28.5       20          28
2:        Volvo   240 Compact      21.8  22.7      23.5       21          28
              AirBags DriveTrain Cylinders EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1: Driver & Passenger      Front         5        2.4        168 6200
2:        Driver only       Rear      <NA>        2.3        114 5400
   Rev.per.mile Man.trans.avail Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase
1:           NA             Yes               19.3          5    184       105
2:         2215             Yes               15.8          5    190       104
   Width Weight  Origin      Make
1:    69          38           30.0           15   3245 non-USA Volvo 850
2:    67          37           29.5           14   2985 non-USA Volvo 240

34. How to reorder columns of data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Reorder columns of DT as V2 , V1, V3 Input

DT <- data.table(V1= c("a","b","c","d"), V2 =c("1","2","3","4"), V3 = c("aa","bb","cc","dd") )

Desired Output

   V2 V1 V3
1:  1  a aa
2:  2  b bb
3:  3  c cc
4:  4  d dd
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1= c("a","b","c","d"), V2 =c("1","2","3","4"), V3 = c("aa","bb","cc","dd") )

output <- setcolorder(DT,c("V2","V1","V3"))
   V2 V1 V3
1:  1  a aa
2:  2  b bb
3:  3  c cc
4:  4  d dd

35. How to select one column and compute standard deviation of another column and return a single value that gets recycled?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Select column Manufacturer and compute standard deviation of column Price and return a single value that gets recycled. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output:

   Manufacturer Sd.Price
1:        Acura  9.72428
2:         <NA>  9.72428
3:         Audi  9.72428
4:         Audi  9.72428
5:          BMW  9.72428
6:        Buick  9.72428
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[,.(Manufacturer, Sd.Price = sd(Price, na.rm = TRUE))]
   Manufacturer Sd.Price
1:        Acura  9.72428
2:         <NA>  9.72428
3:         Audi  9.72428
4:         Audi  9.72428
5:          BMW  9.72428
6:        Buick  9.72428

36. How to use row indexing, column indexing and group by expressions all together?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Calculate sum of Weight of cars under every Manufacturer but exclude all 'Midsize' Type cars. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

   Manufacturer    V1
1:        Acura  2705
2:         Audi  3375
3:        Buick  7575
4:     Cadillac  3620
5:    Chevrolet 23545
6:         <NA>  3515
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

output = DT[Type !="Midsize", sum(Weight), by=Manufacturer]
   Manufacturer    V1
1:        Acura  2705
2:         Audi  3375
3:        Buick  7575
4:     Cadillac  3620
5:    Chevrolet 23545
6:         <NA>  3515

37. How to get the row number of the nth largest value in a column?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Find the row position of the 5th largest value of column Price in DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

DT <- DT[order(Price)]
fifth_largest_price = DT[5, Price]
output = DT[Price == fifth_largest_price, which = TRUE]
  1. 4
  2. 5

38. How to find and cap outliers from a data.table column?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question: Replace all values of Length column in the lower 5%ile and greater than 95%ile with respective 5th and 95th %ile value. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
# Input
DT <-  fread('')

# Solution
DT[Length > quantile(Length, .95, na.rm=T), Length := round(quantile(DT$Length, .95, na.rm=T))]
DT[Length < quantile(Length, .05, na.rm=T), Length := round(quantile(DT$Length, .05, na.rm=T))]

39. How to swap two column values based on a condition in another column of a data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Swap column V1 & V3 for all the rows where V2 = 2. Input

DT <- data.table(V1= c("a","b","c","d"), 
                 V2 =c("1","2","2","3"), 
                 V3 = c("aa","bb","cc","dd") )

Desired Output:

   V1 V2 V3
1:  a  1 aa
2: bb  2  b
3: cc  2  c
4:  d  3 dd
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1= c("a","b","c","d"), V2 =c("1","2","2","3"), V3 = c("aa","bb","cc","dd") )

DT[V2=="2", c("V3", "V1") := .(V1, V3)]
   V1 V2 V3
1:  a  1 aa
2: bb  2  b
3: cc  2  c
4:  d  3 dd

40. How to swap two rows of a dataframe?

Difficulty Level: L2 Questions : Swap rows 1 and 2 in DT. Input

DT <- data.table(V1= c("a","b","c","d"), 
                 V2 =c("1","2","2","3"), 
                 V3 = c("aa","bb","cc","dd") )

Desired Output

   V1 V2 V3
1:  b  2 bb
2:  a  1 aa
3:  c  2 cc
4:  d  3 dd
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1= c("a","b","c","d"), V2 =c("1","2","2","3"), V3 = c("aa","bb","cc","dd") )

# Solution
swap_rows <- function(dt, i1, i2){
    i1_row <- DT[i1,]
    i2_row <- DT[i2,]
    DT[i1,] <- i2_row
    DT[i2,] <- i1_row

output <- swap_rows(DT, 1,2)
   V1 V2 V3
1:  b  2 bb
2:  a  1 aa
3:  c  2 cc
4:  d  3 dd

41. How to reverse the rows of a data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Reverse all the rows of DT so that topmost row goes to bottom. Input

DT <- data.table(V1= c("a","b","c","d"), 
                 V2 =c("1","2","2","3"), 
                 V3 = c("aa","bb","cc","dd") )

Desired Output

     V1  V2  V3  
[1,] "d" "3" "dd"
[2,] "c" "2" "cc"
[3,] "b" "2" "bb"
[4,] "a" "1" "aa"
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1= c("a","b","c","d"), V2 =c("1","2","2","3"), V3 = c("aa","bb","cc","dd") )

# Solution
output <-, lapply(DT, rev))
     V1  V2  V3  
[1,] "d" "3" "dd"
[2,] "c" "2" "cc"
[3,] "b" "2" "bb"
[4,] "a" "1" "aa"

42. How to create one-hot encodings of a categorical variable (dummy variables)?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Get one-hot encodings for columns Gender & Degree in the data.table DT and append it as columns. Input

DT <- data.table(Gender = c("M","M","F","F"), E_Id =c(1,2,3,4), Degree = c("UG","PG","PhD","UG") )
   Gender E_Id Degree
1:      M    1     UG
2:      M    2     PG
3:      F    3    PhD
4:      F    4     UG

Desired Output

   E_Id Gender_F Gender_M Degree_PG Degree_PhD Degree_UG
1:    1        0        1         0          0         1
2:    2        0        1         1          0         0
3:    3        1        0         0          1         0
4:    4        1        0         0          0         1
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(Gender = c("M","M","F","F"), E_Id =c(1,2,3,4), Degree = c("UG","PG","PhD","UG") )

# Solution
output <- dcast(melt(DT, id.vars='E_Id'), E_Id ~ variable + value, fun = length)
   E_Id Gender_F Gender_M Degree_PG Degree_PhD Degree_UG
1:    1        0        1         0          0         1
2:    2        0        1         1          0         0
3:    3        1        0         0          1         0
4:    4        1        0         0          0         1

43. How to find median value in each numeric column in R data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Find row-wise sum values of DT. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

   Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1:      14.6  17.7     19.15       21          28        2.3        140 5200
   Rev.per.mile Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase Width
1:         2360               16.5          5    181       103    69 Weight
1:          39           27.5           14   3085
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[, .SD, .SDcols = which(sapply(DT, is.numeric))]
output <- output[, lapply(.SD, median, na.rm = TRUE)]
   Min.Price Price Max.Price MPG.highway EngineSize Horsepower  RPM
1:      14.6  17.7     19.15       21          28        2.3        140 5200
   Rev.per.mile Fuel.tank.capacity Passengers Length Wheelbase Width
1:         2360               16.5          5    181       103    69 Weight
1:          39           27.5           14   3085

44. How to compute correlation score of each column against other columns?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Compute correlation score of each column against other columns. Input

DT <-  fread('')
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[, .SD, .SDcols = which(sapply(DT, is.numeric))]
print(cor(output, use = "na.or.complete"))

45. How to create a column containing the minimum by maximum of each row?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Compute the minimum-by-maximum for every row of df.

DT <- data.table(V1 = runif(10, 1, 100), 
                 V2 = runif(10, 1, 80), 
                 V3 = runif(10, 1, 100))
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1= runif(10, 1, 100), V2 =runif(10, 1, 80), V3 = runif(10, 1, 100))


# Solution 2
DT <- data.table(V1= runif(10, 1, 100), V2 =runif(10, 1, 80), V3 = runif(10, 1, 100))
DT[, max_min2:=apply(.SD, 1, min)/apply(.SD, 1, max)]
         V1       V2       V3   max_min
1: 16.33154 66.08863 41.38638 0.2471157
2: 87.79467 38.57875 38.50150 0.4385404
3: 40.95019 19.47167 15.03562 0.3671685
4: 12.40790 17.68716 34.95050 0.3550136
5: 34.15262 24.52459 71.04999 0.3451738
6: 60.22314 60.22538 10.79905 0.1793106

46. How to scale all columns in a dataframe?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Normalize all columns in DT. Without using external packages. Input

DT <- data.table(V1= runif(10, 1, 100), 
                 V2 =runif(10, 1, 80), 
                 V3 = runif(10, 1, 100))
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1= runif(10, 1, 100), V2 =runif(10, 1, 80), V3 = runif(10, 1, 100))

# Solution
output <- DT[, lapply(.SD, scale)]
         V1.V1      V2.V1       V3.V1
 1:  0.9884659 -1.2595111  0.09593436
 2:  0.1217149 -0.8867426 -0.31629923
 3:  0.5872020  0.1443417  0.70839114
 4: -0.5178531  0.5737876  1.12962574
 5:  1.0221688 -0.9475154 -0.63975308
 6: -1.5091412  1.2276058  1.11944272
 7: -0.9203772  1.0074295 -0.33182208
 8: -0.8005338  1.3745140 -1.41247525
 9:  1.5281054 -0.9386551 -1.45771901
10: -0.4997516 -0.2952545  1.10467468

47. How to compute the correlation of each column with the succeeding column?

Difficulty Level: L2 Compute the correlation of each column of df with its succeeding column. Input

DT <-  fread('')

Desired Output

   Min.Price 0.9705018
       Price 0.9802519
  Max.Price -0.5377239
           MPG.highway   0.9479157
MPG.highway -0.6259651
 EngineSize  0.7313269
 Horsepower 0.04736874
      RPM    0.4623314
Show Solution
DT <-  fread('')

output <- DT[, .SD, .SDcols = which(sapply(DT, is.numeric))]  # numeric columns

for (i in 1:(ncol(output) - 1)){
    a <- i + 1
    print(cor(output[,..i], output[,..a], use = "na.or.complete"))
Min.Price 0.9705018
Price 0.9802519
Max.Price -0.5377239
         MPG.highway   0.9479157
MPG.highway -0.6259651
EngineSize  0.7313269
Horsepower 0.04736874
RPM    0.4623314
Rev.per.mile         -0.6318497
Fuel.tank.capacity  0.4965661
Passengers 0.4737477
Length 0.8275146
Wheelbase 0.8127431
Width   0.8170549
                Weight 0.6425643

48. How to replace both the diagonals of data.table with 0?

Difficulty Level: L2 Replace both values in both diagonals of DT with 0. Input

DT <- data.table(V1= runif(4, 1, 100), V2 =runif(4, 1, 80), V3 = runif(4, 1, 100), V4 = runif(4,1, 50))

          V1        V2        V3       V4
1: 97.451642 65.393451  6.496714 27.80014
2: 56.475427  5.234317 80.551154 10.86617
3: 65.965884 18.954913 70.968490 25.92509
4:  3.723218 26.590925 75.723006 42.22132

Desired output

         V1       V2        V3       V4
1:  0.00000 65.39345  6.496714  0.00000
2: 56.47543  0.00000  0.000000 10.86617
3: 65.96588  0.00000  0.000000 25.92509
4:  0.00000 26.59093 75.723006  0.00000
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1= runif(4, 1, 100), V2 =runif(4, 1, 80), V3 = runif(4, 1, 100), V4 = runif(4,1, 50))

# Solution
for (i in 1:nrow(DT)){
    DT[i,i] <- 0
    DT[nrow(DT) - i + 1, i] <- 0
         V1       V2       V3        V4
1:  0.00000 72.08959 12.63875  0.000000
2: 17.61880  0.00000  0.00000  1.696741
3: 82.20107  0.00000  0.00000 40.321027
4:  0.00000 40.47473 71.60260  0.000000

49. How to join two dataframes by 2 columns so they have only the common rows?

Difficulty Level: L2 Join dataframes df1 and df2 by ‘fruit-pazham’ and ‘weight-kilo’. Input

DT1 = data.table(fruit =  c('apple', 'banana', 'orange'),
                    weight =  c('high', 'medium', 'low'),
                    price=  c(1,2,3))

DT2 = data.table(pazham =  c('apple', 'orange', 'pine'),
                    kilo= c('high', 'low', 'high'),
                    price =  c(1,2,3))

Desired Output

    fruit weight price_left price_right
1:  apple   high          1           1
2: orange    low          3           2
Show Solution
# Input
DT1 = data.table(fruit =  c('apple', 'banana', 'orange'),
                    weight =  c('high', 'medium', 'low'),
                    price=  c(1,2,3))

DT2 = data.table(pazham =  c('apple', 'orange', 'pine'),
                    kilo= c('high', 'low', 'high'),
                    price =  c(1,2,3))

# Solution
output <- merge(DT1, DT2, 
                  by.x = c('fruit', 'weight'), 
                  by.y = c('pazham', 'kilo'), 
                  all = FALSE, 
                  suffixes = c("_left", "_right"))

    fruit weight price_left price_right
1:  apple   high          1           1
2: orange    low          3           2

50. How to get the positions where values of two columns of data.table match?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Get the positions where values of two columns of DT match. Input

DT <- data.table(fruit1 =  c('apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'mango),
                 fruit2 =  c('apple', 'grapes', 'banana', 'jackfruit'))

Desired Output

1 3
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(fruit1 =  c('apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'mango'),
                    fruit2 =  c('apple', 'grapes', 'banana', 'jackfruit'))

# Solution
which(DT$fruit1 == DT$fruit2)
  1. 1
  2. 3

51. How to create lags and leads of a column in a data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Create two new columns in df, one of which is a lag 1 (shift column a down by 1 row) of column ‘a’ and the other is a lead 1 (shift column b up by 1 row). Input

DT <- data.table(V1 = runif(4, 1, 100), 
                 V2 = runif(4, 1, 80), 
                 V3 = runif(4, 1, 100), 
                 V4 = runif(4,1, 50))

Desired Output

         V1       V2        V3       V4 lagged_column lead_column
1: 90.41034 79.62526 57.525005 16.88133            NA    13.19427
2: 13.19427 29.20243  3.962821 35.72731      90.41034    13.79110
3: 13.79110 15.68368 78.933011 18.43108      13.19427    86.76293
4: 86.76293 33.66214  6.706639 43.40251      13.79110          NA
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1= runif(4, 1, 100), V2 =runif(4, 1, 80), V3 = runif(4, 1, 100), V4 = runif(4,1, 50))

# Solution
DT[, lagged_column := shift(V1, type = 'lag')]
DT[, lead_column := shift(V1, type = 'lead')]
         V1        V2        V3       V4 lagged_column lead_column
1: 51.50006 74.050716 27.618570 16.68658            NA    82.29783
2: 82.29783 63.969537  9.054432  1.16761      51.50006    78.36425
3: 78.36425 63.937995 85.047398 21.39628      82.29783    63.64181
4: 63.64181  2.482478 10.060054 27.33597      78.36425          NA

52. How to get the frequency of unique values in the entire dataframe?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Get the frequency of unique values in the entire dataframe DT. Input

DT <- data.table(fruit =  c('apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'apple'))

Desired Output

    fruit number_of_distinct_orders
1:  apple                         2
2: orange                         1
3: banana                         1
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(fruit =  c('apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'apple'))

# Solution
output <- DT
output[,flag := 1]
print(output[, .(number_of_distinct_orders = length(flag)), by = fruit])
    fruit number_of_distinct_orders
1:  apple                         2
2: orange                         1
3: banana                         1

53. How to convert a table from long to wide format using R data.table?

Question : Create a pivot table out of DT keeping ID & Month as key. Difficulty Level: L2 Input

n <- 5
DT <- data.table(  
    ID       = sample(1:20, n, replace=TRUE), 
    Month    = sample(1:12, n, replace=TRUE),
    Category = c("Drinks", "Food", "Drinks", "Food", "Food"),
    Expenses = runif(n),
    key      = c('ID', 'Month')
   ID Month Category  Expenses
1:  4     3   Drinks 0.9921504
2:  4     4     Food 0.8073523
3:  8    10     Food 0.5533336
4: 14     8     Food 0.2588098
5: 20     4   Drinks 0.2012480

Desired Output

   ID Month    Drinks      Food
1:  4     3 0.9921504 0.0000000
2:  4     4 0.0000000 0.8073523
3:  8    10 0.0000000 0.5533336
4: 14     8 0.0000000 0.2588098
5: 20     4 0.2012480 0.0000000
Show Solution
# Input
n <- 5
DT <- data.table(
  ID=sample(1:20, n, replace=TRUE), 
  Month=sample(1:12, n, replace=TRUE),
  Category= c("Drinks", "Food", "Drinks", "Food", "Food"),
  key=c('ID', 'Month')

# Solution
output <-, ID + Month ~ Category, fun=sum, value.var='Expenses')
   ID Month    Drinks       Food
1:  7     6 0.0000000 0.75928350
2:  7    10 0.5103192 0.00000000
3:  9     3 0.1320670 0.00000000
4: 10     2 0.0000000 0.07450386
5: 18     7 0.0000000 0.23840221

54. How to create a bootstrap sample (sample same number of rows with replacement) from a data.table?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Create a bootstrap sample of length 5 from DT. Input

DT <- data.table(V1 = runif(20, 1, 100), 
                 V2 = runif(20, 1, 80), 
                 V3 = runif(20, 1, 100), 
                 V4 = runif(20,1, 50))
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1 = runif(20, 1, 100), 
                 V2 = runif(20, 1, 80), 
                 V3 = runif(20, 1, 100), 
                 V4 = runif(20,1, 50))

# Solution
n <- 5
row_number <- sample(1:20, n, replace=TRUE)
          V1       V2       V3       V4
1:  3.213551 25.49768 30.01245  5.81102
2: 28.313228 63.25563 89.86874 30.28312
3: 37.163717 41.17688 98.72226 43.52485
4: 91.656742 60.68913  9.93234 21.66074
5: 51.661261 26.40149 28.44038 27.73880

55. How to bin a numeric column with user custom intervals to form a categorical (text) column?

Difficulty Level: L2 In DT, create a new column (cat_col, that has 'fail' if the average of the first two columns is less than 40. Else, it contains 'pass'. Input

DT <- data.table(V1 = runif(20, 1, 100), 
                 V2 = runif(20, 1, 80))

Desired Ouput

           V1       V2 cat_col
 1: 31.468845 43.32908    fail
 2: 26.509578 57.15350    pass
 3: 55.679921 43.52955    pass
 4:  6.581932 60.16881    fail
 5: 47.386379 34.18801    pass
 6: 48.893303 14.54220    fail
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(V1= runif(20, 1, 100), 
                 V2 =runif(20, 1, 80))

# Solution
DT[, cat_col := ifelse((V1 + V2)/2 < 40, 'fail' , 'pass')]
           V1       V2 cat_col
 1: 31.468845 43.32908    fail
 2: 26.509578 57.15350    pass
 3: 55.679921 43.52955    pass
 4:  6.581932 60.16881    fail
 5: 47.386379 34.18801    pass
 6: 48.893303 14.54220    fail
 7: 81.427859 61.85383    pass
 8: 37.661733 70.67433    pass
 9: 55.109301 44.37864    pass
10: 17.855943 22.94018    fail
11: 62.874651 39.57617    pass
12: 88.334386 74.35190    pass
13: 28.755030 28.54667    fail
14: 40.450302 76.37846    pass
15: 76.492557 55.92666    pass
16: 67.233150 71.26683    pass
17: 21.256604 15.25217    fail
18: 36.394960 50.72188    pass
19: 36.588036 79.17557    pass
20: 69.338762 11.29282    pass

56. How to convert a data.table from wide to long format?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Convert DT from wide to long format by keeping ID & Month as key. Input

n <- 5
DT <- data.table(
  ID       = sample(1:20, n, replace=TRUE), 
  Month    = sample(1:12, n, replace=TRUE),
  Drinks   = sample(10:20,n, replace = TRUE),
  Food     = sample(10:20,n, replace = TRUE),
  Starters = sample(5:15,n, replace = TRUE)   

   ID Month Drinks Food Starters
1:  1    12     17   14       13
2: 14     2     12   12       11
3: 12     7     12   15       11
4: 19     1     16   15       15
5: 15    11     17   10       10

Desired Output

   ID Month variable value
1: 14     4   Drinks    12
2:  4    11   Drinks    18
3: 19     5   Drinks    17
4: 19     7   Drinks    15
5: 14     4   Drinks    11
6: 14     4     Food    14
Show Solution
# Input
n <- 5
DT <- data.table(
  ID=sample(1:20, n, replace=TRUE), 
  Month=sample(1:12, n, replace=TRUE),
  Drinks= sample(10:20,n, replace = TRUE),
  Food = sample(10:20,n, replace = TRUE),
  Starters = sample(5:15,n, replace = TRUE)   

# Solution
output = melt(DT, id.vars = c("ID", "Month"),
                measure.vars = c("Drinks", "Food", "Starters"))
   ID Month variable value
1: 14     4   Drinks    12
2:  4    11   Drinks    18
3: 19     5   Drinks    17
4: 19     7   Drinks    15
5: 14     4   Drinks    11
6: 14     4     Food    14

57. How to create a dataframe that contains the first 3 lags of a time series data?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Append a new column in DT with first three lag of column V1. Input

DT <- data.table(Date = seq(as.Date('2011-01-01'),as.Date('2011-01-10'),by = 1), 
                 V1   = round(runif(10, 1, 80),2))

Desired Output

         Date    V1  lag1  lag2  lag3
1: 2011-01-01 48.92    NA    NA    NA
2: 2011-01-02 65.45 48.92    NA    NA
3: 2011-01-03 67.63 65.45 48.92    NA
4: 2011-01-04 63.26 67.63 65.45 48.92
5: 2011-01-05  2.50 63.26 67.63 65.45
6: 2011-01-06 56.15  2.50 63.26 67.63
7: 2011-01-07 65.39 56.15  2.50 63.26
8: 2011-01-08 45.90 65.39 56.15  2.50
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(Date = seq(as.Date('2011-01-01'),as.Date('2011-01-10'),by = 1), 
                 V1   = round(runif(10, 1, 80),2))

# Solution
DT[, `:=`(lag1 = shift(V1, 1, type = 'lag'),
          lag2 = shift(V1, 2, type = 'lag'),
          lag3 = shift(V1, 3, type = 'lag'))]

print(head(DT, 8))
         Date    V1  lag1  lag2  lag3
1: 2011-01-01  8.05    NA    NA    NA
2: 2011-01-02 13.85  8.05    NA    NA
3: 2011-01-03  3.11 13.85  8.05    NA
4: 2011-01-04 57.06  3.11 13.85  8.05
5: 2011-01-05 61.12 57.06  3.11 13.85
6: 2011-01-06 68.74 61.12 57.06  3.11
7: 2011-01-07 35.54 68.74 61.12 57.06
8: 2011-01-08 33.95 35.54 68.74 61.12

58. How to shuffle rows of a dataframe?

Difficulty Level: L2 Question : Shuffle rows of DT. Input

DT <- data.table(Date = seq(as.Date('2011-01-01'),as.Date('2011-01-10'),by = 1), 
                 V1   = runif(10, 1, 80), 
                 V2   = runif(10, 1, 100), 
                 V3   = runif(10,1, 50))
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(Date = seq(as.Date('2011-01-01'), as.Date('2011-01-10'),by = 1), 
                 V1   = runif(10, 1, 80), 
                 V2   = runif(10, 1, 100), 
                 V3   = runif(10,1, 50))

# Solution
print(DT[sample(nrow(DT), replace = T),])
          Date       V1       V2        V3
 1: 2011-01-04 35.76134  2.61564 17.215551
 2: 2011-01-06 54.37578 56.66843 15.841530
 3: 2011-01-03 59.85359 21.81431 32.227574
 4: 2011-01-08 39.23481 74.79349 33.457133
 5: 2011-01-03 59.85359 21.81431 32.227574
 6: 2011-01-02 54.02029 34.80660  7.503086
 7: 2011-01-06 54.37578 56.66843 15.841530
 8: 2011-01-06 54.37578 56.66843 15.841530
 9: 2011-01-06 54.37578 56.66843 15.841530
10: 2011-01-01 76.45873 27.03600 16.913088

59. How to select rows between two dates in a dataframe?

Difficulty Level: L1 Question : Select all rows between dates 2011-01-05 & 2011-01-08 in DT. Input

DT <- data.table(Date = seq(as.Date('2011-01-01'),as.Date('2011-01-10'),by = 1), 
                 V1   = runif(10, 1, 80), 
                 V2   = runif(10, 1, 100), 
                 V3   = runif(10,1, 50))

Desired Output

         Date       V1       V2        V3
1: 2011-01-06 28.39314 36.99609 29.814114
2: 2011-01-07 52.53458 33.46489  5.073762
Show Solution
# Input
DT <- data.table(Date= seq(as.Date('2011-01-01'),as.Date('2011-01-10'),by = 1), V1 =runif(10, 1, 80), V2 = runif(10, 1, 100), V3 = runif(10,1, 50))

# Solution
output <- DT[(Date > '2011-01-05') & (Date < '2011-01-08'),]
         Date       V1       V2        V3
1: 2011-01-06 28.39314 36.99609 29.814114
2: 2011-01-07 52.53458 33.46489  5.073762
To be continued . . .      

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Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

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Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science