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conda list environments – How to view all the virtual environments present in conda?

conda is a popular package management system that allows you to create isolated environments with different versions of packages and dependencies. In this one, let’s see how to view a list of all virtual environments in conda.

How to list all the virtual Environments?

Earlier you saw everything about creating conda environments.

If you want to list all the environments you have created with conda, you can use the following command:

conda env list


base                  *  C:\Users\selva\anaconda3
mlcourse                 C:\Users\selva\anaconda3\envs\mlcourse
mlenv                    C:\Users\selva\anaconda3\envs\mlenv
mlenv2                   C:\Users\selva\anaconda3\envs\mlenv2

This command lists all the environments and their paths. The `*` sign indicates the current active environment.

Alternate syntax to view the list of environments

Alternately, you can use the following command:

conda info --envs

Here’s a full example:

# List all the environments
conda env list

# alternate syntax
conda info --envs

You should see a list of all the environments you have created with conda, along with their paths.

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